Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Irrationality of Environmental Causes |

Dave Hunt

The human conscience stands as a firm witness against Darwinism and the entire ecological movement which is based upon it. Even the most fanatical defenders of evolution contradict it in their daily lives. To be consistent, evolutionists ought to shut down all hospitals, cease all medications, and let the weak die. After all, evolution requires only that the fittest survive. But man is compelled by conscience to be compassionate because he is made in the image of a God who “is love.”

Medically prolonging the lives of those with genetic disabilities or diseases works against evolution, for it allows such persons to reproduce and pass on their defects to subsequent generations and thereby weakens the race. If evolution is true, then we must stop trying to find a cure for AIDS, stop treating those with the HIV virus and let them die. Since AIDS is largely a homosexual disease, it must be nature’s way of wiping out those who practice with is undeniably unnatural sex and do not reproduce. The sooner those with deficiencies of every kind die, the better for the survival of our species!

If stopping all assistance to the ill so that only the “fittest survive” sounds harsh, then blame nature—that’s her way. Don’t blame the personal, loving, and gracious Creator who has given us the capacity to be compassionate. Nor would letting the weak die without any assistance seem harsh if we were a product of nature. The evolutionist’s attempt to have it both ways—denying a personal Creator yet insisting upon morals and compassion which can’t come from nature—betrays the lie that is taught as fact in public schools.

On their TV series, Joseph Campbell tells Bill Moyers that “the impulses of nature are what give authenticity to life, not the rules coming from a supernatural authority….” On the contrary, the “impulses of nature” give us the tooth and claw law of the jungle. The personal Creator commands us to love one another. If evolution were true, then whatever man did, from muggings to murder to war, would be a natural act against which no complaint could be raised. Police, courts, prisons, and criminal accusations would have to be eliminated. If man is a highly evolved animal, then no complaint can be made on moral grounds against anything he does any more than against any other animal.