The unclean spirit behind the goddess of The Shack, the novel written by Paul Young, is still at work. It seems more than coincidental that Bethesda NW, a Bethel Redding sister church, uses Young’s interpretation of El Shaddai; and just like in the novel, the Holy Spirit has also been feminized, addressed in the service as “Mama Ghost.”
“El Shaddai, the double breasted one” (Tisha Straup, Bethesda NW sermon on 5/26/19). “Do you need healing from a Mother? Only comes from El Shaddai” (Bethesda NW worship leader on 5/12/19).
[The video has since been removed, but a copy was preserved prior to removal and a transcript made. The transcription includes video time for statements.].
“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger” (Jeremiah:7:18The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
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It began on Mother’s Day with the worship team. They sang: "Mama God, will you talk to us?” [Next we learn]: "Do you need healing from a Mother? Only comes from El Shaddai." [12:58.]
“Do you need healing from a Mother? Only comes from El Shaddai” [13:12.]
[Next they sang]: "Let God be God in every situation, let His presence flow, let His presence flow; Let God be God in your situation, let His presence flow, let His presence flow; Let God be God in your situation, Mama Ghost will flow, Mama Ghost will flow" [19:32–20:27.]
“I will lean back in the loving arms of a beautiful Mother, I will breathe deep and know that She is good, She’s a love like no other…” [25:07.]
“I will breathe deep and know that She is good, She’s a love like no other…” [25:53.]
According to Pastor Larry DeBruyn: “The name “breasted one” appears to be sourced in feminist spirituality. In Part One (The Feminine Divine in the Hebrew Scriptures) of her book, ‘Delighting in the Feminine Divine,” Bridget Mary Meehan, states that, “D.F. Stramara translates El Shaddai (a name for the Divine in the Hebrew Scripture as ‘God the breasted one’.)”[7] But for several reasons, the inference that the divine name El Shaddai means “breasted one” is ludicrous. It is a meaning pulled out of thin air. It is an imagined meaning.”
The claim that El Shaddai means double breasted one, or breasted one will continue to infiltrate the visible church. We are in deep waters. Goddess worship is gaining in popularity. We now dwell in a metrosexual/ homosexual/beta male culture, where attacks on the character and nature of the biblical God are accepted and encouraged—and yet, this is happening not just in the culture, but also in the visible church.
We know that God is Spirit. He is neither man nor woman. Yet, God in the Bible is always referred to as “He” or “Father,” or “Him,” never “She,” or “Mother,” or “Her.” If we really, truly believe God is the author of the Bible, this should mean something. We are not to change His Word, and we are not to change its meaning.
(Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you" (Deuteronomy:4:2Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
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