Nuggets from Occult Invasion—A Successful Invasion |

Dave Hunt

A Jerusalem Post feature article recently explained: “We live in remorselessly stressful societies…. Our diet is heavy on hormone-injected meat, devitalized white bread, and chemical-filled fruits and vegetables.” The article goes on to explain the result of widespread dissatisfaction with this state of affairs:

“The pendulum started its swing back 30 years ago, with… ‘alternative’ medicine. At first largely the preserve of the faddish and…weird, alternative medicine has grown increasingly respectable…. It’s not dispensed by MDs in university and general hospitals in North America, Europe and all over Israel.

Israel’s first Department of Integrated Medicine opened at Assaf Harofeh Hospital in 1991, and treats up to 14,000 patients a year…. Says its head, Dr. Shay Pintov… ‘It’s part of a trend throughout the Western world: People today are increasingly aware of their own health, and tired of chemical solutions….’

“In the US, over 400 universities now offer some level of behavioral [alternative] medicine training…. Research into natural and folk-healing techniques is a growing field worldwide…. Integrated or natural medicine…has a major role to play…. It’s emphasis on mind-body control and relaxation can answer the relentless stress of post-industrial living. Its insistence on healthy non-processed foods speaks for itself.”

We can only commend the trend toward better nutrition and away from the over-subscription of drugs. However, through its reliance upon mysterious, nonphysical forces for holistic purposes, Western health care has been invaded by the occult. Acupuncture, for example, was designed in China to realign in one’s body the universal force called the tao, made up of yin and yang. Yes, a needle piercing the skin could conceivably cause a beneficial reaction in a nerve, but that is not the original theory behind it. According to anthropologist Michael Harner (who praises the holistic movement), the word “holistic” is a euphemism for witchcraft, now known as shamanism:

“The burgeoning field of holistic medicine shows a tremendous amount of experimentation involving…techniques long practiced in shamanism, such as visualization, altered states of consciousness, aspects of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, meditation, positive attitude [Positive/Possibility Thinking], stress-reduction, and mental and emotional expression of personal will for health and healing [positive confession]. In a sense, shamanism is being reinvented in the West precisely because it is needed.”

A recent Los Angeles Times article was titled “Alternative Care Edges into Medical Mainstream.” Occult techniques such as visualization of inner guides (the most basic and powerful shamanic practice) and “touch for health” (the attempt to convey “love and well-being” and to realign the psychic force within through meditatively passing one’s hands over the patient a few inches from the body) are being openly practiced in major hospitals across America.

This movement, which brings “spirituality” into medicine, is gathering astonishing backing and momentum. Harvard psychologist Joan Borysenko, quoted above, carries the message everywhere. The ad for lecture at the University of Alberta, Canada, described her as having been trained in “the great spiritual traditions of the world” and as “a spell-binding lecturer…who blends science, psychology, and spirituality in a unique and powerful way…equally at home presenting in hospitals, synagogues, churches, and civic settings….” Dr. Borysenko tells of her first attempt to interest members of the medical profession in the idea that “spiritual well-being can actually make the difference between our life and our death…”:

“I spoke to a group of gynecologists and obstetricians at a formal professional meeting…screwed up my nerve and started talking about the nature of mind and consciousness, prayer, near-death experiences, miraculous healing…I had no idea how they’d react, and I was…nervous, but it turned into an incredible experience. I’ve never had so many people wait around afterward to share their stories with me, and it carried on all through the day. At the reception that evening, I heard them trading stories with each other on every side.”