Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Global Spirituality in Education |

Dave Hunt

What could U Thant, Muller, Gorbachev, and other leaders mean by spirituality? U Thant’s spirituality denies the God of the Bible and comes from an occult force. Muller explains:

“Of course, the question arose immediately: how can one speak of a global spirituality in a world of so many religions and atheists, besides there being religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism which have no God? However, there is a common denominator when humans see themselves as part of a very mysterious and beautiful universe. From that awe emerges a spiritual approach to life. Everything becomes sacred…and miraculous…regarding the mysterious force which rules the universe.”

No force, no matter how mysterious, can be the source of an “spiritual” qualities. We have spiritual qualities only because we were created in the image of the God who “is a Spirit” and who requires that we “worship him in spirit and in truth” (John:4:24). This madness—that an impersonal force could produce personal beings—is embraced and defended as science in man’s attempt to escape moral accountability to his Creator.

Muller’s spirituality—with which he is determined to indoctrinate the world’s youth—coincides with that espoused by Norman Vincent Peale and John Marks Templeton. He is convinced that belief, especially when visualized, causes what we deeply desire “to materialize.” Muller’s spirituality comes from a seducing spirit claiming to belong to a long-dead Tibetan Master well-known in the occult as Djwhal Khul. In the preface to Muller’s World Core Curriculum we read:

“The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul…and the teachings of M. Morya as given in the Agni Yoga Series Books…. The Robert Muller School was fully accredited in 1985…. The school is now certified as a United Nations Associated School providing education for international cooperation and peace.”

Muller was awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989. In 1990, delegates from 155 countries met in Thailand at the World Conference of Eduction for All in order to continue plans toward a world curriculum, much of it adapted from Muller’s ideas. Other conferences have followed with the cooperation of Republican and Democratic administrations: Bush’s America 2000, Clinton’s Goals 2000, leading to Project Global 2000. Dr. Dennis Laurence Cuddy, former Senior Associate in the U. S. Department of Education, explains:

“UNESCO and UNICEF, which are partners with Global 2000, are putting into action [worldwide] the initiatives developed at the World Conference of Education for All [Thailand, 1990], the largest educational conference ever held.”