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Little Grand Canyon, 9/23/19, “Little Grand Canyon” [Excerpts]: In 1980, Mount St. Helens blew its top. As the largest avalanche of debris on record, this eruption laid down massive deposits. 

Two years later, another eruption melted snow and created a mudflow. It rushed down the mountain and carved through the earlier deposits. In a single day, deep canyons appeared—even with side canyons. This “little Grand Canyon” is one fortieth the scale of the actual Grand Canyon … and it formed very quickly.

The Grand Canyon didn’t form from the gradual wearing of the Colorado River. It was through catastrophes after Noah’s flood!

No, it doesn’t take a little water … and a lot of time … to make a canyon. Just a lot of water and a little time! 


Man Baptized At Church He Vandalized, 10/9/19, “Man baptized at church he vandalized 6 months earlier” [Excerpts]: Feb. 28, 2019 was one of the worst days of 23-year-old Brenton Winn’s life. But it paved the way for one of the best. 

Angry at God after he relapsed from an addiction to methamphetamines despite spending time at a faith-based recovery program, Winn knew nothing about Central Baptist Church of Conway, Ark., when he broke in that February evening. High on drugs, Winn went on a rampage and destroyed $100,000 of church property...

Six months later Winn stood in a baptismal pool at Central Baptist...[Winn said] “As I’m starting to understand how God works, I’ve realized I didn’t pick the church that night. God picked me,” Winn said.”

In 2016, Winn went into a two-week faith-based recovery program. For a year, he stayed off drugs...But in September of 2017, his cousin committed suicide. Devastated, he fell back into addiction..

Winn’s journey from a jail cell to a baptismal pool in September began when Central Baptist senior pastor, Don Chandler, talked to the prosecutor the following Monday. Chandler knew the godly response to Winn would be to offer forgiveness rather than judgment.

“You can’t preach something for 50 years without practicing it...” Chandler said. “Had we not shown some grace to him, everything we’ve talked about and encouraged, would have gone by the wayside. It was simply the right thing to do.


School Pushing Islamic Proselytization, 10/16/19, “Schools Pushing the Envelope on Islamic Proselytization” [Excerpts]: The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to review the case of a high school student in Maryland who, despite threats of receiving a failing grade, refused to deny her faith by making a written profession of the Muslim conversion prayer.

Caleigh Wood, a Christian 11th-grade public school student in Maryland, was also forced to view a series of PowerPoint slides that stated, among other things, that most Muslims’ faith is stronger than that of the average Christian.

“When her father found out about the assignments that she had, he immediately called the school and asked that she be given an alternative assignment or be able to opt-out,” says Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of Thomas More Law Center. “The school refused his request and said if she did not complete those assignments, she would get a failing grade.” Wood later refused to complete the assignment and, as a result, did receive a failing grade.

“We filed a lawsuit in federal court against the teachers who are involved in the Islamic proselytization and we went to district court and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals,” says Thompson. “In both of those courts, even though they recognized that what the school was forcing her to do was problematic, they refused to hold that it violated the establishment clause or the First Amendment free speech clause.”

The TMLC attorney calls it a double standard, arguing that the schools would not dare force a Muslim student to write The Lord’s Prayer or profess John:3:16.

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday declined to review the case, passing up what Thompson describes as “an opportunity to provide clearer constitutional guidance” on an important issue.

“This issue isn’t going to go away,” he continues. “We have other cases right now where we are challenging school districts where seventh-graders are being taught that the only true faith is Islam.”
