A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jeremiah5:30).
Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation, is teaching heresy about the return of Christ. Simmons says the Bible uses “clouds” as a term for men eight times. Simmons states the Bible says Jesus comes within clouds, so therefore it means Christ is coming from within us.
Here is what Simmons said to Patricia King: The Book of Revelation is “not primarily a manual of coming events. A sneak preview of what’s coming. Rather it is the coming one. It’s the unveiling of who is coming. And His coming is within us. We experience that unveiling in our lives”(5 minutes 9 seconds in video).
Here again is Simmons to Patricia King: Brian Simmons–What about the clouds? Jesus is coming, Greek is meta nephele, He’s coming, meta nephele, within clouds. He’s coming within clouds. Not on clouds. Within clouds. Eight times in the Bible, CLOUDSARE PEOPLE (11 minutes 14 seconds in video).
P.K.– Right. Wow.
Brian Simmons– So, maybe the Second Coming isn’t what we think.
P.K.– Wow.
Brian Simmons–Mayb ewe don’t have it all figured out.
Here is Brian Simmons at the Glory of the Last Days Conference: Something about clouds. God really likes clouds. He rides, His name is cloud rider. I put that in Psalms, the translation of the Psalms. Thou shalt get the Book of Psalms on your way out too. But His name is Yah, cloud rider, ha ha ha ha. He rides upon the clouds.Okay, you’re the cloud. Eight times in the Bible. Uno, dos, tres, quatro, eight times. Menare clouds. Cloud of witnesses. Jude speaks of false teachers that are clouds with no rain.
Throw up Isaiah 60 verse 8. Put up Isaiah 60 verse 8, if you dare to read this. The Passion Translation: Who are these that soar like clouds, like doves flying into their portals. Jesus is coming in the clouds! I’m here to announce to you, ladies and gentlemen. Everybody missed His first coming. Everyone missed the first coming. Only people who got revelation understood the first coming.
Even though they had the Bible, they knew it’d be Bethlehem, but yet He was from Nazareth so they, He purposely let them get offended over being in Nazareth, but He wasn’t, He was from Bethlehem,but they called Him from Nazareth. He didn’t set the record straight. He let them be deceived.
But those with spirit revelation would understand. He was from Bethlehem. Micah:5:2But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
See All.... So if everyone missed the first coming except by divine revelation,how is it you got all the Second Coming figured out? There’s so much more to the unveiling. I want to unveil, I want to lift some of that veil as we go into Revelation 1. After lunch I want to show you some secrets about the coming of the Lord.(10 minutes 54 seconds in video)
We’re the seed of Christ, the 42nd generation, we complete the genealogy of Jesus. Christ is no longer a man, He’s a people. YOU AND I CARRY LIKE MARY. WE WILL BRING FORTH THE CHRIST. THE SECOND COMING IS THE BECOMING OF THE LORD. The Father loves the Son so much, he is going to fill the earth with people just like Him(4 minutes 31 seconds in video).
Please note that Simmons proclaims, “Christ is no longer a man, He’s a people” and “The Second Coming is the Becoming of the Lord.” It appears that Simmons, beneath his New Apostolic Reformation exterior, is promoting a New Age, corporate manifestation of Christ.