Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

A George Fox University ad is headlined “Our Psychological Doctorate Comes With Something Special. A Christian Worldview.” A Fuller Theological Seminary brochure boasts, “As a profession, Christian psychologist isn’t just new. It’s Fuller…. Fuller’s School of Psychology has it all…from an M.S. in Marital and Family Therapy to a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.” The following excerpt from a full-page advertisement by Wheaton College Graduate School in Christianity Today presents the same integrationist picture:

“Symbols for a new century in Psychology—Psy.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology…commitment to Scripture and the integration of psychological theory with Christian faith….”

The Wheaton ad fails to explain why the theories of anti-Christians are being integrated into Christianity. Nor is it explained why such an incongruous mixture would be desirable. One is reminded of the closing lines of a poem:

“Who would leave the fountainhead

To drink the muddy stream,

Where men have mixed what God has said

With every dreamer’s dream!”