Today’s new interpretation was given to the church by a godless psychologist named Erich Fromm, who called “belief in God…a childish illusion.” He claimed that when Christ said, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” He meant that we had to learn to love ourselves before we could love our neighbors or God. That false view was promoted by Robert Schuller in his book Self-Love, the Dynamic Force of Success; and from there the lie spread throughout the church. The new men’s movement, Promise Keepers, has been flagrantly promoting the lies of Christian psychology. A PK newsletter stated:
“Many Christian single men have fought the battle to build their own self-worth, self-esteem, and self-love…it is impossible to have a healthy relationship with others while having an unhealthy relationship with one’s self. Jesus recognized this when He challenged us to love our neighbor as we would love ourself” (Mark:12:31And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
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