“You see, the Enneagram is the very antithesis of the Gospel. With the Enneagram, man is glorified; with the Gospel, God is glorified,” writes Lois Putnam, author of The Enneagram – An Enlightening Tool or an Enticing Deception?
The Enneagram is not a fad, and it is not going away. And it is proving to be, as Putnam states, “an enticing deception” for a growing number of Christians. It doesn’t help that high profile members of the visible church such as Louie Gigglio, Dave Ramsey, Dr. Russell Moore, The Bible Project founders Tim Mackie and Jon Collins, Mark Batterson, Amy Grant, former Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson Huff and others are advocates.
As pointed out by Don Veinot, the Enneagram has unbiblical origins. Veinot notes that it is an occult spiritual tool, not a self-improvement tool; it teaches a different Christ, asserts a different God, promotes a different salvation, and asserts a different resurrection. Thus, it is a different gospel. [1]
Don writes: "[We] knew full well this heresy would grow but even we were not prepared for the love affair evangelical and Reformed churches are having with it. For example, Covenant Theological Seminary is hosting Beth McCord, leading light among the “Enneagram Coaches.” With the Enneagram, Sola Scriptura is no longer necessary. There is not a day that goes by lately in which we are not contacted to let us know that more and more pastors are embracing and introducing the Enneagram into their churches."[2]
"Please pray for us as we work on ways to continue getting the word out.” [3]
Source Notes:
1. Pretty close to a word for word quote from Don Veinot.
2. https://mailchi.mp/3982b7ded84a/six-kids-in-a-garage-and-not-one-automobile?e=169825fd77
3. Ibid.