Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear TBC,

[Concerning your email “Are You Ready for Christ’s Return?”]

Amen! But many are not, which is why we cannot stop preaching the Gospel and praying and instructing all who will renounce sin/the works of darkness; and continue teaching God’s written word about how to grow in grace and the knowledge for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory both now and forever. Amen (2 Peter:3:18). CW (email)

Dear TBC, 

Thanks brothers in The Berean Call. For the time being I do not have the time and desire to subscribe. However, I love to visit your website for help and refuting error. Thanks again for such a marvelous work for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of the truth. WK (Malaysia)


To All Who Assist at The Berean Call,

I am so blessed by The Berean Call, especially in this day and age when so many have fallen away to pursue their own pleasure or a false religion. This nation’s churches have either watered down the Scriptures or teach only that which seemingly brings them comfort. This [encourages] a lot of prayer for our country, those in authority, and the lost. May God continue to bless you all as you print the Truth of the God-breathed Scriptures. BB (CA)

Dear T. A. and Team,

Thank you for the bold and biblical teachings on the evils of psychology in the church. I know you have a unique background on this, so where can I find the resources that you talk about growing up exposed to this profession? SL (AZ) 

To All at TBC,

Thank you for your dedication and faithfulness in getting out the true Word of God. He has used you in a mighty way to spread the Gospel—giving us hope and encouragement in these troublesome times. RU (NM)

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your encouraging letter each month. We first heard Dave at Word of Life at Schroon Lake, New York. You have kept the faith, and Dave would be “well pleased” by your letter. We thank you. RB (FL)

Dear Berean Call,

I confess I have been watching a lot of YouTube lately. In fact, I’ve been watching Dave Hunt lectures. I watched his talk entitled, “The Occult Invasion of the Church,” and when I listened to (it), I realized that the church seems almost totally affiliated with this invasion. I have also seen prominent Charismatic leaders that only confirm what Dave Hunt has said concerning the occult infiltrating the church. TM (NY)

Dear TBC,

In a world where churches have “dropped the ball” in so many ways and become more worldly than secular institutions, we are reminded that while so many things change, God remains the same. LC (PA)