Are the biblical accounts validated by external evidence? The answer is no and yes. What I mean is that not all accounts have evidence to point to which supports them BUT the lack of evidence doesn't render them untrue. On the other hand, we do have a great deal of evidence which validates the Scriptures as reliable accounts of what happened in the life and history of the Nation of Israel and God's dealing with His creation. One such example are how, "The Ruins of Jericho Confirm the Biblical Account" David Cloud points out that "British archaeologists John and J.B.E. Garstang" in their 1930-36 excavation of: the Jericho Tel believed they found the confirming evidence of the biblical story. About 20 years later, another archeologist, Kathleen Kenyon, claimed they were wrong. Which is correct?
Bryant Wood, who has a Ph.D. in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from the University of Toronto and is an expert in pottery dating, has also concluded that Kenyon was wrong. In an independent review of the evidence, he found the following: (1) Kenyon ignored evidence, such as certain types of pottery and amulets that would place the date of the destruction at the time of Israel’s entrance into the land. In an earlier excavation in the 1930s, John Garstang had found distinctive pottery decorated with red and black designs that was in use only in the latter part of the 15th century BC, the exact time of Israel’s conquest of the land. (2) She ignored the fact that the condition of the ruins perfectly match the Bible’s description of the city’s destruction. She found that the walls had collapsed outward and that the city had been burned. She even noted that the walls were collapsed before the city was burned (“Jericho: Does the Evidence Disprove or Prove the Bible?” Bible and Spade, Spring 2003).
How much more evidence will unbelievers require? Just a little more. As my friend, the late Jhan Moskowitz said from time to time, "Faith is an act of the will, not a function of information." It is our task to make a defense of the faith. It is not our task to bring about belief. That is a choice they will make.