Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views. 

Dear TBC,

The coming Antichrist will be like Hitler. Based on Hitler's own words and books, he was “atheist,” “evolutionist,” “Christian” (not a real Christian but Roman Catholic), “occultist,” etc. But what people don’t realize is that he was all of those. He was “ecumenical” to a point and would be whatever the people wanted him to be just so he could gain their trust and assume power over them. He practiced all those because he was in actuality a Luciferian who believed he was the “beast” of Revelation. The Illuminati, Hitler’s religion, still exists today as Freemasonry and other sub-groups. And all false religions are intertwined with it (same doctrines, same symbols, same demons). They are all connected-Mystery, Babylon AKA GNOSTICISM. GP (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you for constant reminders that the Bible isn't any ordinary book…but the very living “Word” of God that is designed by Him to do a supernatural work in our mind and heart…to bring about eternal life and lead us into all Truth…thus… also serving as a valuable protection from being led in a contrary direction…which ultimately leads to eternal destruction. The choices we make are more serious than the average person is led to believe. Praise God for His Holy Word that is a Light unto our path as we go through this dark world. God is so good… His Word provides life to those who love it and spend time in it. KD (email)

Dear TBC,

In Defense of the Faith was the first apologetics book I bought when I got saved in ’97. So great to hear Gary Carmichael, T. A. McMahon, and Dave Hunt’s voice again. I listened to every STSD Podcast from 99-06. Great memories listening to this again. Blessings from Australia. HD (Australia)

Dear TBC,

The Bible is the best source of truth. I won’t pretend that I feel there are not truths scattered through other traditions but none of these books are or even claim to be in most cases inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is true from cover to cover.

Anybody who truly seeks truth will cherish it. The main thing lacking most teachings is righteousness and justice. These are not characteristics of man but God. Righteousness and Justice belong to him alone and are graciously provided by and through God because man cannot save himself. I have studied a lot of topics. There is no knowledge anywhere in creation that means anything without Jesus. If I knew only one thing I would pray that it would be about Jesus. MJ (email)