Twenty-five or thirty years ago, when I would speak with Wiccans or Satanists about the faith, several said if any from the pagan religions thought of embracing Christianity (notice, they didn't talk about being saved or accepting Christ), they would likely go to the Roman Catholic Church. The mysticism would feel familiar to them. Some years later there is a growing movement of evangelicals leaving their churches and heading to Rome. In some ways, Franciscan Richard Rohr and contemplatives like Ruth Haley Barton have prepared them for the journey to the RCC. In Why Protestants Convert to Catholicism Nathanael Blake reviews the book, Why Do Protestants Convert? and offers some thoughts. In short, evangelical churches has lost the sense of the holiness of God:
The basic problem is, as Carl Trueman observed in a brief forward, that “the idiom of the rock concert with added TED talk is scarcely adequate to convey the holiness of God, the beauty of worship and the seriousness of the Christian faith.” Generations of evangelical leaders have embraced the idea that casual, entertaining, “seeker-sensitive” church services are the key to a growing congregation. Some succeed, but they leave a lot behind in the attempt. This is why it often seems that nearly every intellectually or aesthetically sensitive American evangelical will at some point feel the allure of Catholicism — the road to Rome often begins with a sense that one’s Protestant church is missing something important, if not several things.”
Sound Bible teaching is lacking in many evangelical churches and even less given is the historical-grammatical context which would provide the sense of standing before a holy God as did Isaiah who said, "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" (Isaiah:6:5Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
See All...) Blake writes: “precious few of our Protestant churches give their worshippers a sense of being in the presence of the holy.”
“Instead, evangelicals in particular are encouraged to ‘waltz casually’ before God “with gym shorts and a latte.” It is no wonder that some are “captivated” when they witness the Catholic Mass, along with the rest of the aesthetic heritage of the Church of Rome — even when wealthy evangelical congregations build large churches, they look like convention centers, not cathedrals.”
Is the gathering of the church for entertainment or equipping of the saints to do the work of ministry, prepare to proclaim the gospel to those dying in their sin, and the corporate worship of the Holy God, or merely for religious-like entertainment and a latte?