Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views. 

Dear TBC,

What I see happening is twisted theological meanings contributing to this mysticism and New Age influence on Christian beliefs. You see the lie of Christ Consciousness becoming popular as the biblical ideologies that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and being created in God’s image, instead mean, “God is within,” therefore, “I am God.”

It’s total heresy of course, but it’s running rampant, even infecting so called evangelical churches. The “little god theory” is especially pushed by the New Apostolic Reformation crowd (NAR) and Word of Faith/prosperity gospel group (WOF). Many, many people are being deceived by what they falsely attribute as Christian doctrine. This is what will unify all denominations in the One World Religion that’s coming, as many religions already believe in personal achievement of deification of self…. Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and in Eastern Orthodoxy, reaching deification as the culmination of complete salvation is called theosis. So, it’s not a surprise all religions will eventually jump on the bandwagon of the “I am God” lie. S (email)

Dear TBC,

Our enemy is the most cunning of all God's creatures. He is also familiar with the divine in a way that we have yet to experience fully, so he is quite able to contrive masterful trickeries. By the grace of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit we can perceive these errors and expose them. To love Yeshua Jesus is to love Truth. If we claim to love the Messiah, yet shy away from Truth or just want to stay in our comfort zones, then we are deceiving ourselves and one day we will wish we had chosen a truer grit. AFW (email)

Dear TBC,

In 2012 I downloaded Paul Wilkinson’s booklet, Christian Palestinianism and the Anti-Israel Crusade (see—https://bit.ly/4eyuTGo) from your site. I reread it last night and I was so glad that you had offered it and I had downloaded it. It helps me to understand what is going on today and why. May God bless Israel and the innocents in Gaza and may God have mercy on false preachers of His Word. I am so glad that a friend shared your newsletter with me 24 years ago. Thank you for being faithful to Him. NH (email)

Dear TBC,

I just want to thank you for all that you're doing for the Lord, and especially your newsletter that I get each month and have for so long. May the Lord bless you, and meet your every need. Anon. (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you for all your great information. I am finding it very hard not to get very, very angry when I see all the injustice, disobedience, and arrogance in the world and around me. I know I am not perfect by a long shot, and that God says that judgment belongs to Him, but it's hard sometimes for me to separate the sin from the sinner and to hold on to love. Anyone got any advice for me? I just really don't want to be in this world anymore. Bless your ministry for helping me to stay sane in this horrible confusion. DH (email)