When Man Controls God | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

The Presbyterian Church (USA), not to be confused with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has now embraced Anti-Semitism. I am not overly surprised. They made quite an impact in 1993 with their "Reimaging" conference. Feminist theologians were unhappy that God self-identified with the pronoun "He," and they insisted they had a right to name God whatever they chose. They included Goddess worship, blessed Sophia, and invoked Goddess wisdom. They also went on to reimagine Jesus. In 2011, PCUSA Votes to Allow Openly Gay Clergy. Well, why not? Once you reimagine God, why not reimagine the morality He handed down? As long as the creation dictates to the Creator, you can do pretty much what you like. Since they have pretty much divested themselves from anything approaching biblical orthodoxy, why even call themselves Christian any longer? Perhaps the identification acts as sort of a heavenly insurance card. On Monday July 1, 2024, the one million member Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to embrace anti-Semitism. Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to divest from Israel bonds :

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted Monday (July 1) to divest from Israel bonds and begin the process of encouraging two companies it believes are contributing to human rights abuses against Palestinians in the occupied territories to quit their practices.

In 2022, they declared Israel an apartheid state, so this seems to follow their anti-Semitic path. They also made another decree:

[In 2024], the denomination also passed a resolution denouncing Christian Zionism, an ideological vision that it says links the State of Israel with biblical views of the “promised land,” and therefore justifies taking land away from Palestinians.

In addition to not knowing much about the word of God, they have demonstrated how little they know about how the how Nation of Israel acquired their land. 
