Discipling Children into the Faith | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

In most cases parents really love and want to protect their children. Many Christian parents homeschool or send their kids to Christian schools in an effort to protect them but is that enough? The short answer is, no. In "Why Preparing Kids to Stand Firm in Faith Matters," John Stonestreet notes : 

“Opting for alternatives to public education like homeschool  or private Christian schooling is a good start. But it can’t stop there. A 2022 study found that of 57,000 undergrads from 159 of the nation’s most elite postsecondary institutions, homeschooled and private schooled kids “are as or more likely to identify as LGBTQ or non-binary as those from public or private school backgrounds.”  

“In other words, it’s not enough to insulate children from bad ideas, especially when insulation is accompanied by silence on issues our kids are hearing about all the time by the wider world. Of course, many parents remain silent because they simply do not know how to think about everything. And yet, as a recent Gospel Coalition article noted, silence on these issues undermines Christian formation.  

“On the one hand, we could unintentionally communicate that God doesn’t care about our sexuality. If we never tell our children that God says a clear ‘no’ to same-sex sexual relationships, we could leave them to conclude that Christians can just follow their hearts.”

Often what is not clearly taught is falsely assumed by our children to their spiritual detriment. 
