Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! |

TBC Staff

Recently there has been an accelerated ‘wave’ of UFO hysteria sweeping the globe, and many supporters have contacted us asking for comments.

Belief in extraterrestrial life has effectively become a new religion for many, replacing traditional belief. For example, the sociologist Gerald Eberlein stated: Mundane objects like these lenticular clouds above Skaftafell glacier in Iceland are mistaken as flying saucers due to our cultural conditioning to believe in such things.

“…research has shown that people who are not affiliated with any church, but who claim that they are religious, are particularly susceptible to the possible existence of extraterrestrials. For them, UFOlogy is a substitute religion.”1

A close examination of the phenomenon shows that it also provides a perfect substitute ‘replacement theology’ for the big picture Creation > Fall > Redemption > Restoration aspects of Christianity. Much of the UFO literature seeks to:

Replace the Creator God with aliens, even claiming the Bible is actually referring to these ETs and not God.

Substitute the Fall for an environmentalist catastrophe or message. I.e. the aliens will not allow us to destroy ourselves and ‘mother earth’ as we are allegedly doing.

The ETs will be the saviours of mankind and will rescue the earth in the process. They even have rapture-type events predicted for the future.

There will be a restoration of the Earth or the ‘true (UFO) believers’ will be transported to a new Edenic or Nirvana type planet that has not yet been corrupted.

Note that many of the UFO stories have been received and channelled by contactees who claim to be receiving special revelation from our ‘space brothers’. This is an occult activity that masquerades as an enlightened practice. (We recommend the DVD Alien Abductions and UFOs Exposed! or the AI bookfor more on this.

“There must be life out there!”

Not that long ago the idea that older (on the evolutionary scale), more technologically advanced (than humans), wiser and benevolent extraterrestrials have visited or are currently visiting the Earth would have seen you carted off to the local psych ward. But not anymore. Popular polls have even suggested that up to 20 million Americans have seen a UFO and that 4 million claim to have been abducted by aliens (see The Fourth Kind our review of the infamous alien abduction movie of the same name). Such ideas have become very mainstream and children in particular are very susceptible and are openly targeted. Many seemingly credible scientists now believe that life on Earth originated from outer space via either directed or undirected panspermia (‘seeds from space’—from the Greek words pas/pan [all] and sperma [seed]). Some very famous scientists have even suggested that our DNA may contain revelation from our alien creators once we are smart enough (like them) to decipher it. Ironically, this makes many of them ‘creationists’ (sort of). It appears that they just don’t want the God of the Bible to be responsible.

[TBC: For the full article and footnotes, please see:]