Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear TBC,

The better part of the entire Old Testament is about the lineage to Jesus the Messiah. Tracing it and the many ways it was attempted to be broken, and the many ways the attempts were thwarted and corrected. [In] Genesis:3:15 the LORD God promised a Redeemer that would “bruise the head” of the serpent, and the Old Testament tells the many stories of how the serpent attempted to keep Him from ever coming. MW (email)

Dear TBC,

Jesus told the Jews who believed in Him, “IF you continue in My Word… you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE” (John:8:31-32). God’s Word is alive, and sets FREE those that receive it. The Hollywood and TV movies are NOT God’s Word, and they are misrepresentations of Jesus and His Word. They will lead people down a false path of “TikTok” religion, and make NO ONE free. AM (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you. "My sheep hear my voice…and they follow me." Most churchianity don't hear HIS voice. When is the last time that you heard any preacher/teacher say to pray and do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do? They con you into doing what THEY say. By the way, what is repentance? "Go forth and DO works that are meet for repentance….” Your life should show that you have repented: have you asked those that you have wronged for forgiveness? “And forgive us our tresspasses, AS WE have forgiven those who have trespassed against us.” Ouch. R (email)

Dear TBC,

My wife and I were sad to hear [about T. A.’s retirement]; we were expecting it eventually, but it still hurts. We're sad to see all the guys who have been holding things together by God's grace are starting to go. We've gone through a few stages of losing cherished Biblical teachers, all while we have fewer and fewer to replace them. We really hope to see more people take up the biblical mantle (KJV), and wise, loving teaching. We pray there are other ministries that also pop up, sticking to fundamentals, not seeker-friendly liberal garbage. Thank you, T. A. McMahon, for your service to our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching truth, and exposing apostasy. D (email)

Dear TBC,

Tonight, I visited a friend who has been Catholic her whole life. She attends a weekly Bible study at a neighbor’s house. Her neighbor is not Catholic, but I don’t know what she believes. I asked my friend what they are studying at Bible study now. The Book of Matthew. She said Matthew is her favorite because she thinks he had ADHD. She told me other things that I would never have known about Matthew. He was the scribe as they went around with Jesus. His family rejected him because he was a tax collector. Having just watched [Visual Idolatry, see—https://bit.ly/42cVHpD]…I immediately thought that my friend has been watching The Chosen.

I said to my friend, “That’s not in the Bible,” about Matthew having ADHD. I said, “I wouldn’t have gotten that idea from reading the Bible.” At one point, I asked where she got that idea and she said, “I saw it. I read it.” I think the truth is she saw it in The Chosen.

Now we have to unravel the lies from the truth. How will these people ever sort it out and be able to discard the lies and get back to the baseline? I think it might be easier to deal with people who know nothing of the Bible than people who think things that are wrong. DS (email)

Dear TBC,

It is sad to see those like Brother McMahon stepping down. Although I know he has served the Lord well and deserves his time to rest in his later years…it feels like we are losing too many of those who speak the truth as they grow older. We do need to pray that God will raise up younger men and women who are truly born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, and who know and believe the word of God. That He will raise up labourers for the harvest to reach the lost and to warn and exhort the true church. The world is getting darker all the time and we need true men of God. Thank you, Berean Call, Dave Hunt, and T. A. McMahon for the encouragement, teachings and warnings you have given us over the years. But we know our hope and our faith is in God alone and He will provide. PW (email)

Dear TBC,

I (like so many others) am TRULY GRATEFUL for Brother [McMahon], and all that have been on your staff to keep Solidifying the TRUTH and exposing the Satanic lies and culture that control this present world. Thank you so much for giving your heart and life to this work all these years! I AM CONFIDENT that TBC will continue to help shine a bright light in this dark world, and will continue to support the ministry as I can through Prayers and financially when I can…. [Tom,] may God continue to bless you and your family as He already has. ENJOY this new chapter in your life by having FUN & maybe doing some "bucket list" items you may have. Respectfully, CT (email)

Dear TBC,

These video and cinematographic false renditions of God’s Word (include The Chosen TV series) are successes only because of the biblical ILLITERACY of Christ followers in today’s culture. And to a large extent the blame for that can be laid squarely upon the pulpits in the land, as they give out a watered-down, compromised, ear-tickling, and man-pleasing gospel. We are living in the Laodicean church era, where Jesus is knocking at the door of the church, requesting admission. Is it that serious? Yes, it is that serious. AM (email)