The Finality of the Cross |

TBC Staff

The Finality of the Cross [Excerpts]

The Cross lays bare for all eternity the awful truth that beneath the polite facade of culture and education the heart of man is "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" (Jer:17:9), capable of evil beyond comprehension even against the God who created and loves him and patiently provides for him. Does any man doubt the wickedness of his own heart? Let him look at the cross and recoil in revulsion from that self within! No wonder the proud humanist hates the Cross!

At the same time that the Cross lays bare the evil in man, however, it also reveals the goodness, mercy and love of God as nothing else could. In the face of such unspeakable evil, such diabolical hatred vented against Him, the Lord of glory who could destroy this earth and all upon it with a word, allowed Himself to be mocked and falsely accused and scourged and nailed to that cross! Christ "humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Phil:2:8). When man was doing his worst, God responded in love, not merely yielding Himself to His tormenters but bearing our sins and taking the judgment we justly deserved.