Welcome to our new look! | thebereancall.org

Welcome to our new look!

We've updated our website based on users' comments:

What has not changed:

We have not done a complete reorganization of our site like last year. Although the website looks completely different, most of the website operates just like it used to.

What has changed:

  • The text size has been made larger on almost every page.
    This was the the main request after we changed the format of the website last time.

  • We've changed to a color scheme with higher contrast.

  • There is no need to log in!
    The previous design implied that you "had to log in". Almost every area of our website is accessible without logging in, so we've removed the "log in box" from the top left of the website.

  • The Splashcast media player has been removed from the front page.
    This was a great feature at first, but started to not work. You can find our radio prorgram by clicking "Radio" at the top of any page.

  • It is easier to subscribe or unsubscribe to our publications.
    Click the red button at the top-right of this page.

  • It is easier to contact us.