[TBC: As we have noted in past updates, Global Warming is at heart a religious belief. Others have noted the same. Particularly telling are the names given to those who object to the “consensus” scientists who believe in global warming have allegedly reached.]
“The critics, when not dismissed as ‘contrarians,’ are often referred to as ‘skeptics.’ A skeptic is someone who true believers do not want to invite to a séance. They have also been called “dissidents,” bringing to mind the internal opponents of the Cold War Soviet Union. Lately the term “deniers” and “climate criminals” have become more common as the political nastiness has grown. (Christopher Essex and Ross McKitrick, Taken by Storm – The Troubled Science, Policy, and Politics of Global Warming, Toronto: Key Porter, 2002, revised edition 2007, p. 317).
[Suspension of disbelief is a key component when being proselytized into belief in Global Warming. Supporters use the analogy of a house burning down and proper preparations taken to protect one’s assets.]
“The reasoning is that being a skeptic about the prospect of one’s house burning down does not stop us from buying fire insurance. But if this was a case of buying insurance, the Kyoto Insurance company would be up on charges for fraud. You would be buying a policy for which it is unclear precisely what is being insured, for which the premiums cost more than the putative damages, and which does not pay any compensation in the event the damages occur. Would you be willing to buy such a policy for your home or auto? If so, please contact the authors. (Christopher Essex and Ross McKitrick, Taken by Storm – The Troubled Science, Policy, and Politics of Global Warming, Toronto: Key Porter, 2002, revised edition 2007, p. 318).