Brazilian Gay Groups Launch Multiple Lawsuits to Silence Christian Opposition [Excerpts]
In recent weeks, homosexual groups in Brazil have attempted to silence their opponents with a flurry of lawsuits that take advantage of Brazil's pro-gay political climate.
On August 5th, the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgender People (ABGLT) filed a criminal complaint against several websites for exposing the fact that the leader of Brazil's homosexual movement, Luiz Mott, is a promoter of pedophilia and pederasty (see
The sites, Media Without a Mask, the Christian Apologetics Research Center, and Jesussite, are accused of "charlatanism, infamy, defamation, and calumny", for having quoted Mott's numerous statements endorsing sex with children and adolescents. The Association is asking for criminal prosecution as well as monetary damages.
Dr. Olavo de Carvalho, who edits Media Without a Mask and who writes opinion columns for Brazilian newspapers, says that the suits are an attempt to indimidate the opponents of the homosexual movement in Brazil, and to attract attention away from a criminal investigation against Mott and other homosexual leaders for advocating child molestation and pederasty.