Letters | thebereancall.org



Hi Dave,
I just finished your book How Close Are We? I am sorry you received no profit on this because I found it in a Goodwill store. [I] underlined almost all of it. I'm 76 years old and [am] on a small Social Security [income]. Even though I appear on the surface to have little, I'm debt free; and because I have the Lord, I also know I'm very rich. What a way to live-total freedom! In the future, I will be thinking of buying another of your books or two. LJ (OR)

Dear Dave & Tom,
Dave, your book, Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny, is the torpedo that will hit evolution and atheism broadside and do serious damage to all their arguments. It may not sink their ship, but it sure will slow them down. It should be read by every pastor and leader in the churches, as well as the people in the pews. My wife and I continue to pray for you both, for your health, and for your families. God bless you. DP (IL)

Dear Dave and TBC,
I have finished the book Debating Calvinism and just had to commend you on it. I felt you kept the debate impersonal and to the point with numerous scriptures and quotes. So often man's theologies don't comply with the whole Bible because of misinterpretation somewhere. It disturbs me that man can hold to his theologies to a point that compromises [God's] love. By the way, I wouldn't mind being called traditional if my tradition was to search the Scriptures daily. BG (IA)

Dear Dave Hunt,
I was shocked to read the harsh and cruel words addressed to you in the...October issue of The Berean Call. Someone has to expose error, and it looks as though it is a very unpopular task. If the tone or choice of words is not serious enough when doing so, the impression left is that the matter is not all that bad. Error is dangerous and damaging.... May God continue to strengthen you against the caustic comments of Christians. RB (Canada)

To all at The Berean Call,
We enjoyed the tour [last year] of your facility. I am reading Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust, which I purchased while there. It is a treasure trove of truth-and written in 1983! As an ex-Mormon I can see where the Mormon Church fits into this whole scenario. Thank you for the truths of God you bring to the world. Wishing you all well and especially prayers for Dave's health. MK (MD)

I should have done this a long time ago, but I wanted to thank you so much for your books and tapes that I have benefited from so greatly over the last 20+ years of my ministry. Your uncompromising stand for truth has encouraged me and challenged me to do the same! I have gained great insight from your books, considering them as standards on the subject (e.g., A Woman Rides the Beast on Catholicism, What Love Is This? on Calvinism, and Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny on atheism and evolution). I know you have poured out your life into the books you've written and the lectures and debates you have presented. As a preacher of the Gospel who knows what it takes to prepare to feed the people from the pulpit, I commend your hard work and diligence in a day when shallowness and entertainment are the norm among church leaders! I have bought and recommended your materials to many preachers and laymen alike, being confident of the positions that you take, which mirror my own. I felt it was necessary to give "honor to whom honor is due" and only wish I had done so many years before. If I never have the chance to meet you in person in this life, I look forward to meeting you around the throne of our Precious Lord! May God be with you and your family, and continue to use the wisdom He alone has given you to bless many others in the faith, as I have been truly blessed! JH (TX)

Dear Mr. Hunt,
Thank you so much for your faithful efforts to proclaim the truth and to reveal false teachings/teachers. I have personally benefited greatly from your Berean Call newsletter, which I have been receiving for the past eight years while incarcerated. I have shared your newsletter with many other inmates, not all of whom have taken what you write with agreement, but most have. There has been a plethora of false things taught in the institution where I am, including most recently, that Jesus had the "capacity" to sin. There have been many animated discussions and disagreements on this issue. I personally believe the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus was and is very God, and therefore could not have even thought of sinning. Could you address this issue in an upcoming issue of your newsletter, please? I pray for your ministry often....God bless you richly as we enter this New Year. JR (WI, prisoner)

Dear TBC,
A year ago I was challenged to read The Hole in Our Gospel by some Christians who thought it was...important....I was challenged by it but troubled at the same time. I subsequently wrote the author about what I had concluded was "a hole" in The Hole in Our Gospel. [What follows are excerpts from that letter addressed to the leadership of World Vision]:

Many years ago...we supported World Vision. Then I became sensitized to the impression that it was mostly a liberal do-gooder organization with the merest of Christian underpinnings....World Vision's mission statement today [See TBC Extra page, January 2011] fails to disabuse me of that conclusion....While I believe [that] World Vision does an extraordinary work, I believe there is a hole in its vision....

Many luminaries whom you mentioned are clearly not Christian. While I understand that Gandhi can provide us valuable insight on how Christians are perceived, and Bono can perhaps recognize suffering better than I...nonetheless, I question the worldly implications, as well as the partnerships, which World Vision fosters....We are exhorted not be to unequally yoked together. Sure, bread isn't Baptist or Episcopalian, water isn't Seventh Day Adventist or LDS, and recipients see caring, not Catholic or Jewish, eyes. Yes, we must bring compassion and resources to the world and give a cup of cold water...doing it in God's name. But how we mount the effort is equally important. God is honored when we love our neighbors, but [He is] not glorified unless that labor is also done with co-believers. We can't avoid one of His stipulations in order to accomplish another one....

I stumble[d] over [your] citations of guiding lights like Jimmy Carter, whose tremendous bona fides as an advocate for the disadvantaged are eclipsed by his abject failure as a former world leader and questionable pronouncements against Israel and certain fundamental Christian tenets; like Pope John Paul II, who could have single-handedly brought millions to saving faith in Christ yet perpetuated the misuse of wealth, persecution, and falsehood [that] his church inflicts on the poor; like Mother Teresa, the saintliest of souls, who despite her own lifelong devotion to the least of God's creatures, was in fear for her own soul; like the gospel-impaired Katherine Kuhlman, etc. I stumbled over quotations from The Message: no matter how compelling, paraphrasing God's inspired Word is simply another gospel...it is not God's Word. And how can yours be a "Christian humanitarian organization"? Organizations can't be Christian. Quasi-Christian elements, invoking the imprimatur "Christian," having Christians in the organization, sharing Christian principles, does not make it Christian....Words do mean things...and much of World Vision and your opus need to be seen in light of whom you choose to invoke and how you [do] it.

So the hole in The Hole in Our Gospel may be evidenced, implied, or omitted by your mission statement. God must come first and last-and everywhere in between-or it is a false gospel. World Vision should help others to reach their full potential in Christ along with material assistance....The goal should be transforming lives, not communities, for Christ. You should partner with God first and foremost; and while it may be impossible to be in the world and not utilize worldly elements, 1 Corinthians:9:22b aside, [you should] clearly not align with non-Christian entities no matter how noble or worthy their effort. To do any less is the hole in The Hole....

There are those of us who applaud your goals yet question some of your means....Your personal testimony is an awesome challenge to me. I do not doubt your personal faithfulness to God's calling and therefore have to question my own possible misperceptions of World Vision accordingly. But "building a better world for children" seems strangely hollow despite all its implied goodness and scriptural mandate. DB (email)

Dear Dave,
I have received your newsletter for a number of years but visited your website for the first time just today. I see that you are retired from public speaking. I was sad to read that but at the same time understand that there are seasons in life. I had the opportunity to hear you on several occasions in the past and was always greatly blessed. I feel privileged to have had those experiences. Thank you for your service. May God continue to strengthen you for His work. MB (email)