CAIR chief's designs to 'run' U.S. revealed [Excerpts]
'Who better than Muslims,' Awad asks, to lead 'Christian-Judeo-Islamic' nation?
The same national Muslim leader who's launched an "education campaign" to quell American fears over Shariah law once gave a full-throated speech to Muslims advocating an Islamic rise to power in America.
In a newly surfaced video of a 2000 speech to the Islamic Society of North America, Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] Executive Director Nihad Awad told his Muslim audience: "Muslims in America are in the best position to show Islam and to show action and to show vision – not only for a Muslim school, how it should be run, but for an entire society, how it should be run. Who better can lead America than Muslims?"
The Justice Department named both ISNA and CAIR unindicted co-conspirators in a criminal scheme to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas suicide bombers and their families.
In the same speech, "Participating in Public Affairs: Strategies for the Year 2000," Awad encouraged Muslim-Americans to be more assertive with U.S. politicians.
"They should be a servant to our issues," he said. "We should be respected.
Specifically, Awad advised that Muslim-Americans demand politicians include in their national speeches and party platforms that America is also an "Islamic society."
CAIR is suing the state of Oklahoma to block a state constitutional measure banning Shariah law, which was approved by more than 70 percent of Oklahoma voters.
In a press release released last November applauding a Clinton-appointed federal judge's decision to temporarily bar certification of the popular law, Awad announced CAIR was launching an "education campaign" to inform Oklahomans they have nothing to fear from Shariah law.
"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future," CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper told a Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter in 1993, before CAIR was formed.
CAIR's founding chairman, Omar Ahmad, moreover, has flatly argued Shariah law should replace the Constitution.
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant," he told a Muslim audience in Fremont, Calif., in 1998. "The Quran should be the highest authority in America."