Curriculum slams ex-gays |

TBC Staff

Curriculum proposal slams ex-'gays' [Excerpts]

A school board in Maryland plans to consider a proposal to include some glowing statements about homosexuality in school lessons. One pro-family advocate believes those statements paint an inaccurate picture about the lifestyle and, at the same time, attack former homosexuals.

Last week, an advisory committee recommended that the Montgomery County School Board approve five statements about homosexuality in the sex-education curriculum. The group Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays (PFOX) says the initiative for the statements appears to come from David Fishback, the advocacy chair of Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). That group, says PFOX, "actively supports hate against the ex-gay community" -- and Fishback, the group adds, "has a long history of ex-gay bashing."

Peter Sprigg is senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council and a member of the board of directors of PFOX.  He represented PFOX on the advisory committee and tells OneNewsNow he was offended by most of the statements -- especially the one condemning individuals who seek therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions.

"...This was basically an attack on the entire ex-gay movement and on the freedom of individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions to seek therapy to help them overcome those attractions," he explains.

Meanwhile, according to Sprigg, the other statements praise homosexuals as "successful parents" with children who "do just as well as those raised by heterosexuals," and that "homosexuals can live happy, successful lives."

[TBC: We know from 1 Corinthians:10:13 that all temptations (including homosexuality) can be forsaken and that God has provided a way of escape.  Paul had already noted this in 1 Corinthians:6:11.]