Harold Camping: Dead Bodies Will Surface from Graves on Oct. 21 Doomsday [Excerpts]
While President Obama and the rest of the nation spent Memorial Day paying tribute to American veterans, doomsday preacher Harold Camping predicted Monday that corpses of the "unsaved," which includes those in the U.S. armed services, will be flung out of their graves and on the ground like "manure" on October 21.
Camping's comments during the Open Forum program on Family Radio Monday comes one week after he publicly recanted his predicted date of Rapture, changing it from May 21 to October 21.
He has persistently maintained that his dates for a May 21 Judgment Day and a October 21 Doomsday are accurate. The only adjustment in his forecast, according to Camping, is that the judgment on May 21 came in a "spiritual" sense rather than a physical one marked by disasters like earthquakes.
On Monday, a caller asked Camping whether they would see any signs from Deuteronomy 28, beginning with verse 15, fulfilled in the coming End Days. The passage refers to the curse of God for those who disobey his teachings.
"Those who are unsaved are going to experience the curse of God," affirmed Camping, president of Family Radio.
He predicted that whatever of a person's corpse is left in the grave on October 21 "will be thrown out of the grave" and be "like manure on the ground." Furthermore, those who die on October 21 won't receive a burial, said Camping.
"They will be shamed in the eyes of God," he said.
(Garcia, "Harold Camping: Dead Bodies Will Surface from Graves on Oct. 21 Doomsday," The Christian Post, May. 31, 2011).