More Anglicans Join With Catholic Church |

TBC Staff

Three More Anglicans Complete Ordination into Catholic Ordinariate [Excerpts]

The latest priests to turn their backs on the Anglican Communion and join the specially established Catholic Ordinariate are Father David Elliott, of Reading, Berks, Father Jonathan Redvers Harris, of the Isle of Wight and Father Graham Smith, of Christchurch, Dorset.

Earlier this month The Christian Post reported how seven former Church of England clergy were ordained into the Ordinariate, as part of a series of ordinations taking place over Pentecost.

The latest group of former Anglican priests to complete their defection to the Catholic Ordinariate did so at a ceremony at Portsmouth Cathedral in south England, which saw about 250 congregants gather to celebrate the ordinations.

A number of those joining the new Ordinariate have said they were forced to take action following the Church of England’s increasing acceptance of same-sex blessings and gay clergy. Others have also cited the Church’s movement towards accepting women bishops as a reason to defect to the Catholic Church.

[TBC: Apostasy is always an opening for ecumenism. As we noted in the January 2011 issue of the newsletter, “According to the Scriptures, the world is moving toward a one-world religion headed by Satan's man of lawlessness, the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians:2:3-4). His religion will be an apostate Christianity that will be a great distortion of what the Bible teaches yet will maintain a "positive" Christian veneer.” In this case, the unbiblical nature and practice of Catholicism is ignored for their perceived moral stand regarding ordination of homosexuals.]