Persecution Continues for Pastor of Chinese House Church
A few months ago I shared with you that I have two friends who went to China on long term missions trips. One is a young man who decided to go to China to teach English who recently sent me a note and asked for prayer. Another friend is a young woman who went to China to also teach English, but she did it with a missions group and has also recently shared with me that her experience with the underground church in China, was amazing. She told me the church was thriving.
Today, as I read more about the persecution happening to Pastor Shi Enhao and his church, I am again reminded how important our prayers are. Pastor Shi Enhao was sentenced to two years of re-education-through-labor for illegally establishing a church. Please keep him in your prayers.
Please also pray for his church as they constantly endure the persecution of the communist government in China that has no intent on letting Christians worship freely.