Discouragement often hits when you are physically and emotionally exhausted. Elijah went through this experience, you'll recall (1 Kings 18-19). He even prayed that he might die! God's answer was to rest him, feed him, and reveal Himself in the "still small voice" that gave renewed courage and vision. Rest, nourishment, and a new meeting with God will take care of 90 percent of all your discouragements!
Postponed answers to prayer are also hard to take. The implied criticism in Martha's greeting to Jesus, as recorded in John 11, was "Lord, You didn't answer soon enough. You didn't get here in time to keep Lazarus from dying!" But in the case of Lazarus, our Lord wasn't thinking of healing. He had something far greater in mind: presiding at a resurrection! God's delays are always the precursors of greater things! Once you've learned this lesson, the discouragement of delay will have been mastered forever.
The psalmist had to learn the difference between "they" and "Thou." When attention is focused on what others are doing, it is possible to become quite discouraged, even bitter. But when attention is centered on God, His Word, and His will, discouragement flees and faith begins to soar.
--Dr. Robert A. Cook (June 7, 1912 - March 11, 1991. Baptist pastor, writer, broadcaster, and president of King's College)