Dear Mr. Hunt,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your years of service to our Lord and for being one of the "watchmen on the wall." I came to Christ...at age 46 and you were one of the teachers that I was led to. [I] have read all your writings and that, coupled with God's Word, has helped me to be a much better Christian and certainly a better informed one. I have just finished another, Countdown to the Second Coming [2], and believe as you do that we certainly are at the time when all things seem to be coming to a head concerning our Lord's return.... EL (email)
Dear TBC:
After what I've been reading today (supposedly Christian), it is so refreshing to read this newsletter and realize that the end-times deception hasn't infiltrated every ministry. I thank God for the purity of this ministry and also the boldness to rise up against Satan's twisting of God's truth.... LH (email)
Dear Dave & T.A.,
Many thanks for your programs on [the] internet. I greatly appreciate your insight, Godly wisdom, teaching, etc. I am reading Seduction of Christianity and can hardly believe that it wasn't written just this year...rather than 1985! Would it be correct to say it was very prophetic?
It is not always easy to read of some areas that I once was part of and believed were O.K. or some teaching that has been proven wrong, especially when I have shared that wrong teaching with others.
However, I am grateful that the Holy Spirit has directed me so many times in these past few years to such good, solid Bible exegesis...confirming things I have questioned and learning about that which I had no knowledge of. I praise God for you both, your program, and for how He has led you and used you and all the time and effort expended to bring forth the truth. JD (Canada)
Your newsletter is well received by all and shared among 1000-plus on this yard. Glad you are willing to deal with prisoners, as [we are] a lost society in today's time!! And a great need to know God in here....God changes lives..! CS (prisoner, CA)
I read Seduction of Christianity three times (1988, '91, and '01) and Beyond Seduction in 1988. They developed, along with the Word, a firm foundation for me. I am so thankful for a ministry where I can go for information....Because of you I am a Berean. CR (VT)
Dear Dave,
I just wanted to tell you how much my family and I appreciate you and your ministry...I have been listening to you since I was about 15 years old. I am now 36 years old, and I am understanding that the more I learn, the less I really know. I know a lot of people come down really hard on you because you refuse to compromise the gospel. It gives me great encouragement to see you stand firm against so many antagonists, always ready to give an account to everyone for the truth of Jesus Christ our God and the hope we have in Him. You and your family are always in my prayers....My two children...have been greatly blessed by your faithfulness in the Lord. They love your ministry also, especially the CD series that you and Tom did on the Gospel of John (verse by verse). It was awesome. I hope [they] video-record your debate with the Hindu in February. I would love to get a copy from your ministry. JT (CA)
Dear Berean Call Staff,
We cannot express enough our gratitude for your ministry of truth and courage. It has helped to keep us from supporting counterfeits and compromisers and "sharing in their evil work." And your biblical insights have been priceless. We are stunned by those readers who cancel Berean input over a point or two. We disagree on an issue or emphasis occasionally, but to toss out invaluable information not readily available elsewhere is folly. Thank you immensely for your light from our Lord's truths in "this the church's night." G & FF (FL)
Dear Dave Hunt,
Thank you for writing Seeking and Finding God [3]. My mother gave it to me when I asked her to pick a book for me to find God again--on my own. I had been brought up in the Word by an awesome teacher....But I had strayed and now I need to find my faith in God through Him--it seemed daunting. I discovered that I never had faith on my own but through others. I've got a long way to go, but I thank you for being a beacon [toward] which I can start my journey. BG (NY)