Dear Sirs,
Keep up the good work! Your material on Calvinism [1], the Church-Growth movement, and The Passion movie has been particularly edifying….My church has launched a “40 Days of Purpose” campaign. Needless to say, your newsletter and the material on your website have been very helpful….I find that most Christians, even if they sense that something is not right, do not have the doctrinal grounding to determine exactly what is amiss and do not make it a priority to develop that grounding. PW (VA)
May God’s grace continue to give you the enlightenment of His Word in such a way to be able to teach others the jewels you have been able to uncover. This can only be done through study and the gift of teaching from the Holy Spirit. I started reading The Berean Call out of curiosity and now look more to this as a study aid. I am constantly learning more and more about the Word of God. AB (prisoner, TX)
Dear Mr. Hunt,
In our church…I have noticed a comment here or there from the pulpit that had a Calvinistic slant, but not until now have I realized how “slanted” toward the Calvinistic position our pastor’s inter-pretation of Scripture and even practice of ministry actually is. This has led me on a journey to completely understand what the Calvinists believe. I have come to realize how important it is to actually study this system of theology rather than just be content to assume [that] what I thought was right, actually was. I had to admit there were some passages of Scripture on this subject that I could not explain. I began my study with your book, Debating Calvinism [1], since it presented both sides of the issue….I am grateful for your willingness to tackle this highly controversial issue….I have been encouraged and motivated once again to serve a holy, sovereign, yet truly loving God. KH (GA)
Dear Berean Call,
Thank you for your booklet, “The Nonnegotiable Gospel [2].” I have read it many times since it was given to me by a fellow Christian. [It] came at a time when the Holy Spirit directed me to realize that I could no longer continue to serve two masters—the world and Christ. I must make my choice for Christ and never turn back again. The veil had been lifted from my eyes. JK (prisoner, CA)
Dear Dave,
When I was flying here [São Paulo] from Britain, there were some Muslims on the plane in the next four seats from us. They started talking to the people all around them and when they had audience, one of them opened the Koran and started preaching from it, aloud, for a long time, saying things such as, “God has no son,” and explaining the religion in general (in Portuguese). In the airport were women wearing the burka....being the first day of Ramadan. It seems to me they are spreading to South America now. I’m a Brazilian and this is the first time I saw such a strong group of Muslims. LB (Brazil)
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for upholding God’s Word –so many ear-ticklers out there! My husband and I were blinded and served the devil for 23 years as active Jehovah’s Witnesses (out since 1980). I lost my husband to the Lord [in 2001]. I’m so thankful I know where he is. MM (FL)
Dear Sirs,
How sad it is that you would be critical of the “Purpose Driven” ministry and The Passion movie. Both of these have brought thousands of unsaved into the kingdom of God (Romans:14:12So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
See All... [3],13). If you judge these men, who, like Paul, are using “all means to save some” (1 Corinthians:9:22To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
See All... [4]), you will have to give an account for that. RC (VA)
Dear Berean Call,
I have enjoyed reading the October 2004 issue of The Berean Call. T. A. McMahon’s article, “Let the Biblical Buyer Beware,” was thought provoking. It has certainly been the topic of conversation among my Bible study group. Of course we don’t all agree, but it gives us lots of room for thought. CS (OR)
Dear Bereans,
Each month I look forward to the newsletter for the information on the “state of the church” and for spiritual stimulation.…T.A. McMahon [5]’s Showtime for the Sheep [May ’04] is very well written. I enjoyed the distinction of the physical suffering of Jesus from the spiritual suffering of being alone away from God’s presence. The unbeliever may suffer the same aloneness, being cut off from God for eternity. PL (WA)
The October TBC Extra page with Tozer’s comments [was] most refreshing, but what was really neat was the rest of the TBC Extra—it was all Scripture, and you can’t get any better than that. Each following verse supports what’s been said and points to what more is coming. Truly the greatest thing I’ve ever seen—better than any man’s book and right in step with God’s words—wow! But almost nothing on Scripture’s sufficiency and God’s sovereignty—otherwise, truly great, great, great. JA (WI)