Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam [1], Israel [2], and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
After WWII, with the full knowledge and blessing of American, French, and British intelligence, the Vatican ran an underground escape network known as the “Vatican Ratlines.” Thousands of the worst Nazi war criminals were taken by this means to South America, mostly to Argentina and Paraguay [See Judgment Day: Islam [1], Israel [2], and the Nations for full documentation]. Nazi scientists were smuggled into Egypt to help it build missiles and other weapons to be used against Israel [2]. All of this was with the knowledge and blessing of major Western powers – including the United States – who were, in fact, taking their pick of the Nazis for their own scientific and political programs.
Soviet intelligence, the best in the world at that time, penetrated the operation and subverted it for Stalin’s purposes. Underlying everything on all sides was an anti-Israel [2] bias that has pervaded world politics for centuries and is still rampant today although hidden to the public and never reported in the media. Only the hand of “the God of Israel [2]” behind the scenes could explain the miracle of Israel [2]’s birth.