Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith [1]” by Dave Hunt – In What or In Whom Is Your Trust?
Millions have laid down their lives for the faith. Their commitment to Christ meant so much that they would not compromise when threatened with the most excruciating torture and death. Can we fathom and follow their choice?
The martyrs could have chosen the ecumenical path of compromise, of avoiding controversy and affirming the “common beliefs of all religions,” and thus have escaped the flame, drowning, or sword. They chose instead to stand firm for the truth, to contend earnestly for the faith. Christ calls us to do the same. Will we answer the call?
Paul said he had been “put in trust with the gospel” (1 Thessalonians:2:4But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.
See All... [2]). So have each of us if we are truly Christ’s own. Let us be certain that we keep that trust for the sake of the lost and in honor of our Lord, who paid such a price for our redemption!
There is no escaping the eternal choice that confronts us. Will we follow from afar, or will we seek to follow in our Lord’s very footsteps? One day we will give an account before God for the path we chose. What joy there is now and will be eternally in being true to Him!