Nuggets from An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith [1] by Dave Hunt - The Problem of Self-Love
The Apostle Paul warned that in the last days prior to Christ’s return sound doctrine would be scorned and in its place professing Christians would turn to myths (2 Timothy:4:3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
See All... [2],4). There appears to be a sad fulfillment of that warning in our day and as a result there is a diminishing biblical and increasing humanistic content in Christian books and sermons. The very foundations of the Christian faith are being undermined by many of those who are looked to as its chief defenders. Yet at the same time, most if not all of those involved in this destructive process stoutly and sincerely insist that what they teach is “biblical.”
How is such delusion possible? It has been accomplished by a subtle redefinition. Whereas to be “biblical” used to mean that a teaching was derived from Scripture, it now means that it may be derived from anywhere so long as it can somehow be interpreted as being compatible with Scripture. Thus the Bible and Christ the Living Word are no longer “the truth” as Scripture so clearly claims. Instead, under the specious slogan that “all truth is God’s truth,” Holy Writ is now seen as only one of many ingredients in a new recipe for happiness to which anything may be added so long as the mixture still tastes somewhat “biblical.” As a result, Christians are losing their taste and appetite for unadulterated truth.
This accelerating erosion of spiritual discernment is compounded by the fact that exegesis of Scripture has fallen into disfavor with both shepherds and sheep. Ears are being tickled instead with humanistic concepts that are introduced as allegedly necessary and helpful supplements to God’s Word, complete and sufficient though it is in itself. Far from being helpful, however, these “supplements” subtly effect reinterpretations of Scripture – and a generation grows up with a “Christianity” whose foundations have been undermined without their knowing it.