*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views.
Dear TBC,
Jonathan Roumie isn't leading people to Christ, he's leading people to himself. It's a contradiction to say all these faiths believe the same. They don't all teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to scripture. They are different faiths because they have different beliefs. Biblical Christianity is the truth. Jesus is the Word and the Scriptures are the Word of God. The Scriptures, the Word of God, is God-breathed. No other book, document, person nor any other thing, is God-breathed. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father but by Him, this is Biblical Christianity.
As far as Rick Warren [1] goes, Jesus teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we are to go into the world making disciples. It doesn't teach about coming together and getting along. Getting along is nice, but without trusting in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, being born again, we are not saved. PD (email)
Dear TBC,
Take a brief moment to seriously consider a gospel-of-works mentality. Try to imagine being able to say, for an eternity…"I did more than so-and-so to get here" (pride) or…"I put more effort into getting here than so-and-so" (pride).
If heaven is like that, it would be no different than this earth and why would we want that?! When Christians say that there is no sin in heaven, guess what's missing? That's right..pride!
I often wonder, do Christians truly understand the meaning of what Jesus did on that cross? Who else loves that old hymn, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross?” DD (email)
Dear TBC,
Did not want to "no reply" so you would no longer mail The Berean Call to [us]. We enjoyed your publication for many years but there is a season for everything and this season is over. I am 95 years old and still read The Berean Call occasionally but the back issues. Dave and Tom have been real warriors for Christ and I set great store by their wisdom. I actually met Dave at a Christian Conference in Buffalo, NY (I think that is where it was) many years ago, shook his hand, praised him and he said, "Pray for me." He was fearless and a huge role model in his Christian wisdom. RD (email)
Dear TBC,
I had heard about The Chosen and originally planned to watch it. With what I've seen and learned here I will never watch it. If God wanted us to know what Jesus looked like He could have inspired one of the Bible writers to describe Him. We are called the people of the book, not of the painting. I will pray for those who do indeed adore these people on the show. I have watched a number of videos of Catholic [2] teachers talking about Mary and the saints and other subjects. They start off saying they aren't worshiping any person or thing and spend the rest of the video proving they are. These producers and actors are distorting the Word of God and calling it truth. PMC (email)
[1] https://www.thebereancall.org/taxonomy/term/59/seeker_friendly
[2] https://www.thebereancall.org/taxonomy/term/5/catholicism