What about Divine Inspiration?
Question: the Judeo-Christian Bible is not the only book that claims to be inspired of God. There are the Qur’an, the Hindu Vedas, the Book of Mormon [1], and others that claim to have come from God. Doesn’t the very fact that Christianity teaches that the other books are not true cast serious doubt upon the Bible as well? If so many others could be wrong, why not one more? After all, an atheist only doubts one more book than the Christian doubts.
Response: Whether the scriptures of other religions are true or false has no bearing upon the Bible’s validity or lack thereof. The fact that 10 of 11 contestants failed to win a race could hardly be taken as a plausible argument that therefore no one could have won. That there is counterfeit money in abundance does not suggest for even a moment that real money doesn’t exist. In fact, it argues for its existence, because otherwise counterfeiting would have no purpose. That billions of people are willing to accept the sacred writings of various religions as having been inspired by God shows a deep hunger within mankind for divine revelation that has always existed in all ages, in all races and cultures, and in all places.
Such a universal and powerful hunger could not have been developed by evolution. The human body does not hunger or thirst for some nonexistent food or drink but only for that which exists and would sustain its life. The only exception would be if one had tasted something that was harmful but delicious or that produced deceptive feelings of well-being or power and then craved it unnaturally. A craving for that drug or intoxicating beverage would never have arisen, however, had it not actually been tasted or experienced. Thus, one could not claim that belief in God was “the opiate of the masses” without admitting God’s existence. Someone must have “tasted” something real, as the Bible challenges us: “O taste and see that the Lord is good…” (Psalm:34:8O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
See All... [2]).
Logically, then, the universal hunger for God argues persuasively for His existence; and the hunger for revelation from Him argues that such revelation exists as well. Whether what claims to come from God actually does so, however, can only be determined on the basis of the facts—and only the Bible passes that test, as we shall see.
The fact that the world is filled with false prophecies claiming to come from God is exactly what one would expect, given this innate thirst for God and the willingness of the human heart to deceive itself and others. Nor can it be inferred from the fact that many false prophecies have been proclaimed that therefore no true prophecy has ever been uttered. That mankind has universally in all places, at all times, and under all religions been susceptible to false predictions is evidence of an intuitive belief that true prophecy must be possible and important.
The Bible must be examined on its own merits. It will be shown to be either true or false on the basis of the internal and external evidence taken together—not by comparing it with the sacred writings of other religions. Furthermore, the Bible’s very claim to be the only revelation from God to mankind requires that all other sacred writings be false. So their falseness, far from proving that the Bible can’t be true, is an argument in its favor.
[1] https://www.thebereancall.org/taxonomy/term/52/mormonism
[2] https://www.thebereancall.org/bible/1/PS/34/8#v8