Dear Mr. McMahon and Mr. Hunt,
Thank you for your consistent truth from the Scriptures. I lead a Bible study group in the country of Panama. I wanted you both to know that we use your resources, mainly DVDs for our study materials. We are alert and awake watchmen on the wall in Panama, praying for the peace of Jerusalem. MK (Panama)
Dear Mr. Hunt,
I just received (and read and re-read!) a copy of your book A Woman Rides the Beast [2]. I have known for years the essence of your message, but I was/am most impressed with the detail and documentation you provide. Mind boggling! A true "magnum opus." DS (Canada)
Dear Dave,
I can't begin to tell you how the words I read in your article today moved me. I was simply searching the web for a passage of scripture when I came upon your article, "Bless the Lord" (9/05). Praise God for your obedience to Him. YB (email)
Dear Dave and Tom,
I am thankful that you both base your ministry on the "good way" of God's Word. I appreciate your identifications of false teachers and of why their messages are not in agreement [with] God's Word. We must not be surprised when God brings judgment on the USA when even the church follows the anti-God philosophy and theology developed by men. May you have "rest for your souls" as you stand for the truth. PL (WA)
Dear Brother McMahon,
I felt that the article "Thus Saith the Lord" in the September issue of TBC was an excellent commentary on the Bobgans' latest book, Person to Person Ministry. I just wanted to mention two additional things about the book. First it is perhaps the clearest, most concise, simplest and most accurate explanation of what is wrong with the whole psychology [3] scene. Second, the last part of the book, written to teach us how to counsel others properly, may have an unintended and even larger application, namely, showing us how to deal with problems in our own lives. It is one of the best books that I have read, and your commentary on it was certainly one of the better articles that I have read. AB (WY)
I have read the book The Shack [4], and I really didn't focus on the way that God was portrayed. I focused more on Mack, and the things he was going through--his emotions about what he could have done differently to save his daughter, and also the things he was going through with his belief and faith in God. But after reading your newsletter (8/09), you have looked at this book from a different perspective, and I agree with you [on] how God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--was degraded, and how this book could be very dangerous for the babe in Christ and also for the seeker. Thank you. DP (prisoner, FL)
I am not trying to defend election as a doctrine, but I think the arguments are semantic usually. We are Christians, elect in Christ Jesus. Those who have not been born again, are not among the elect...yet. Paul himself talks about the elect and it means just this. Yes, "whosoever will..." but not "whosoever won't...." Christ died for the sins of the world...God is not willing that any should perish...but does this mean that none will perish since it is God's will that NONE perish? Therefore, I think we need to stop arguing semantics and do what you preach about, study the scriptures to see if it is so. GS (email)
Dear Dave and Tom,
Thank you so much for the answer to the question regarding Christians being subjected to "outer darkness" in the Misslers' book [Kingdom, Power, and Glory]! I started reading it about a year ago and even though I didn't think they had it right, it has continued to cause me to fear. It has been a heavy burden because I knew that some of the things I've done in Christ's name I did in my strength. Thank you for explaining the correct application! SH (email)
Dear Dave Hunt,
I just completed reading What Love Is This?, and I simply want to say THANK YOU for this very helpful book. I will be recommending it to many people. I believe that it represents Biblical soteriology very well (in contrast to both Calvin and modern Calvinism [5])....I want to especially thank you for making the major point that Calvinism [5] misrepresents God and His love for all mankind. It shows the danger of imposing one's philosophy on the Bible. I am very encouraged to find a number of scholars speaking out about Calvinism [5]. God bless you and your ministry. RL (email)