Racist Toddlers Menace Britain [Excerpts]
The Western world’s big crusade, these days, is to stamp out “hate” and “bullying.” Our administrative class tries to do this by bullying people into submission.
With such a lofty enterprise in hand, our social engineering crowd—politicians, teachers, police, and the usual sordid mix of bureaucrats and self-anointed experts—perform actions which are very difficult to report. Readers think you’re putting them on. The line between news and satire has been just about erased. Case in point…
“Education authorities” in Britain are now keeping permanent records of “racist” or “homophobic” remarks made by children—yes, children—eleven years old and younger: some of them as young as three years old; the thought police are busy in the nursery schools (Source: “’Racists’ aged THREE: Toddlers among thousands of children accused of bigotry after name-calling,” by Kate Loveys in The Daily Mail, Sept. 14, 2011) The children are deemed to have been guilty of hate crime. A record of the offense will follow each child throughout his entire school career and will be made available to college admissions officers and even employers for the rest of the three-year-old criminal’s life.
No, this is not satire. I’m not just making it up. “Figures… were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act” by a civil liberties group, reports The Daily Mail.
Why are they doing this? In 2002 Britain’s Labour Party government required schools to report “all racial incidents”—the operative word is “all”—to their friendly neighborhood Local Education Authority. The rationale was “to stamp out bullying.”
[1] http://newswithviews.com/Duigon/lee115.htm