Dave Hunt Classic/TBC Extra
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” — Part One
How Close Are We? Excerpt
Reconciling Contradictions
When shall these things be [the destruction of the temple]? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered [in the next 28 verses He gives numerous signs and then He says] ... when ye shall see all these things [signs He has given], know that it [the Second Coming] is near, even at the doors. Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh (Matthew:24:3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
See All..., 33, 44).
What contradictions are these! Can it be? On the one hand, Christ declares that His coming will follow immediately upon the heels of multiple and unusual signs widely scattered around the globe: wars, pestilences, famines, earthquakes, a time of trouble (the Great Tribulation) such as the world has never known nor ever shall know again. There will be supernatural occurrences in the sky: a darkened sun and moon and “the sign of the Son of Man,” visible to all. These signs will be apparent to everyone on the earth. There will not be the slightest doubt in anyone’s mind that Christ’s coming is at hand, “even at the doors.” No one will be taken by surprise.
On the other hand, Christ with no less clarity declares that His coming will catch almost everyone by surprise. The contradiction could hardly be more blatant. Quite easy to reconcile, is the answer some give. Only the Christians will heed the signs. Didn’t Paul say, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (1 Thessalonians:5:4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
See All...)? Those who are spiritually blind, however, won’t recognize the signs, and they are the ones who will be caught by surprise. So goes the argument, but it doesn’t fit the Word of God.
Cataclysmic Events That Will Terrorize the World
The signs which Christ and the apostles and prophets mention are not of such a subtle nature that it would take any spiritual discernment at all to recognize them. On the contrary, the signs are so overwhelming that they can’t be overlooked or ignored by anyone. The Second Coming takes no one on earth by surprise.
The events leading up to Christ’s return to the Mount of Olives are so unprecedented and universally calamitous that the whole world knows the time has come for the prophesied face-to-face confrontation between Christ and Antichrist. The Bible declares that “the beast [Antichrist], and the kings of the earth, and their armies” will gather together at Armageddon to make war with Christ (Revelation:19:19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
See All...). They know that the fatal hour has arrived for the final showdown.
Consider again the signs of His return which Jesus enumerates in Matthew 24. Then read the terrifying description of the incredible devastation occurring on earth which is mentioned only in chapter 6 of Revelation. Forget the mind-boggling destruction mentioned elsewhere. At this early stage in the Great Tribulation one-fourth of the earth’s population has already been killed. That’s [over 2 billion] people! Natural disasters beyond imagination assault this beleaguered planet. Catastrophic meteor showers rain down upon the earth, accompanied by gigantic earthquakes and volcanic upheavals of such magnitude that “every mountain and island [moves] out of their places.” Every person on the earth realizes that God’s wrath is being poured out from heaven. Proud leaders are so terrified that they cry out to the mountains and rocks to fall upon them to hide them from God’s fierce anger (Revelation:6:15-17 [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
[16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
[17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
See All...).
No, Christ does not warn us to be “ready” because we might otherwise not have the godly discernment to recognize the subtle spiritual signs that will herald His coming. Those signs will be physical and of such magnitude that they can’t be overlooked or ignored by anyone, no matter how spiritually blind.
An Inescapable Contradiction
Christ warns us to “watch” for an entirely different reason. He will come at a time when mankind, confident and complacent—and a sleeping church (Matthew:25:5While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
See All...)—will least expect Him: “At such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew:24:44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
See All...). There will have been no signs. For that to be the case, the disasters mentioned above could not yet have occurred. God’s judgment is the last thing the world of that day will be expecting. There will be no advance warning. It will be like the calm before a hurricane—but in this case there will be no sense of a storm impending.
Jesus warned that He would come when conditions would be like those just prior to the flood: “They did eat, they drank, they married wives ... until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke:17:27They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
See All...). His coming will occur at a time of business as usual, of pleasure, of optimism for the future. Just as it was immediately before the flood, the last thing the world will expect is judgment from God.
Surely Christ is not describing the Second Coming in the midst of Armageddon! Normal business conditions, complacency and surprise could only apply to a previous coming—the Rapture. At the time of the Second Coming mankind has endured perhaps four years of God’s wrath and is expecting more. This world is in ruins and teetering on the brink of total destruction.
For Christ’s coming to be without warning and to catch everyone by surprise it must occur before the time of great disaster He refers to in Matthew 24. He comes before God pours out His wrath upon earth as described in Revelation. Otherwise He could not say that His coming would be at a time similar to the days of Noah just before the flood.
Yet, just as clearly, He declared that He would come after these horrible disasters have wreaked their awful toll and after God’s wrath has been poured out for several years upon this earth. These catastrophes will be the signs which Christ says will herald His coming. Moreover, His coming will not take place until all of these events have occurred, so that no one will have any doubt that His coming is “at the doors.”
All of mankind will know that He is about to descend from heaven, because of the unmistakable signs that herald His return. So Jesus declared in unequivocal language. Yet just as clearly He warned that there would be no signs at all to signal His coming. It will occur when conditions on earth make it seem, even to His own, that He surely wouldn’t be coming then: “in such an hour as ye think not.” That’s when He will come!
The contradiction is inescapable: He comes when there have been no warning signs, yet He comes after all of the signs have been displayed to a terrified world; He comes like a thief when no one would expect Him, yet He comes when every one will expect Him.
Two Separate Events: The Rapture and the Second Coming
How can Christ come immediately following unmistakable signs which are intended to warn of His coming—and at the same time come as a thief in the night when few if any of His followers would expect Him? How can He come “when they say peace and safety” (1 Thessalonians:5:3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
See All...) and at the same time come in the midst of Armageddon, the most destructive war the world has ever known? How can the saints be caught up from earth to heaven to dwell with Christ eternally and at the same time come with Him from heaven to execute judgment upon this earth?
How can two scenarios that are so contrary to one another both be true? There is only one possible answer to that question. Obviously, these diametrically contradictory descriptions of His coming cannot refer to the same event.
We saw that what the Old Testament prophets said of Christ’s coming could not fit into one time frame and one event. Thus two comings of the Messiah were required, though the prophets didn’t say so directly. There was no excuse for Christ’s contemporaries not to realize that fact. Likewise it is inexcusable today not to realize that what the Bible says of His return simply cannot fit into one time frame and one event.
There must be two separate comings of Christ, both still future, which occur at two distinctly different periods of time. There is no other possible way to reconcile the otherwise contradictory statements in Scripture concerning Christ’s return. According to Christ’s own words, the conditions on earth at one coming will be the exact opposite of those at His other coming.
There is no way to combine in one event and in the same time frame an ecstatic catching away of all believers to heaven with the descent of Christ and all believers from heaven to rescue Israel at Armageddon. The Second Coming takes place after the incredible devastation of earth, called the Great Tribulation, which the Bible predicts for that time. The Rapture takes place before the Great Tribulation. The whole world will know that the Second Coming is about to take place. No unbelievers, and even very few Christians, will be expecting the Rapture when it occurs.
The Second Coming, which is the climactic event of the Great Tribulation, will occur in the midst of Armageddon. The armies of the world will have conquered much of Israel and will be pressing their attack against Jerusalem. They will be intent upon effecting what Hitler called the “final solution to the Jewish problem”—the enraged extermination of every Israeli and probably of all Jews on planet earth (Zechariah 12).
Threatened with total destruction, Israel, in desperation, will undoubtedly retaliate with nuclear weapons. The entire human race—indeed, all life on this planet—will be in danger of annihilation as this nuclear exchange escalates. Christ referred to that moment with these solemn words: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [alive]” (Matthew:24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
See All...). He will have to intervene, not only to save Israel, but to preserve life itself on earth. We will come back to those Scriptures later.
Yes, a Secret Rapture!
Clearly, the Rapture and the Second Coming must be two separate events. The Second Coming, occurring at the end of the Great Tribulation and in the midst of Armageddon, will surprise no one. The Rapture, occurring at a time of normalcy and complacency, will catch the world and a sleeping church by surprise.
Millions of Christians—and quite likely all infants—will suddenly vanish from earth, but how or why will not be known by the world. Nor will those left behind believe that Christ has caught away those who have disappeared and taken them to His Father’s house in heaven. A seemingly plausible explanation (which we will discuss later), will be provided by the Antichrist, who will take over world leadership at that time. His hypothesis will satisfy the world, but it will be a lie.
Several times Christ’s coming is likened to that of a thief who creeps in when all are asleep. Peter writes: “The day of the Lord will come as a thief (2 Peter:3:10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
See All...); and Paul adds, “as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians:5:2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
See All...). A thief deliberately comes in such a time and manner that no one is aware of his presence. He secretly takes what he is after and leaves without anyone’s knowledge.
In like manner, the Rapture will be a secret snatching away of a prize from this earth. Christ declared: “Behold, I come as a thief” (Revelation:16:15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
See All...). Secretly, like a thief, Christ will take out of this world His church. The world will not know it is happening until suddenly millions are missing. Those who complain that a “secret Rapture” isn’t biblical need to look at such Scriptures again.
No Signs for the Rapture
We are not only asserting that the Rapture (coming for His saints) takes place first, followed seven years later by the Second Coming (with His saints for Israel). We are also establishing that there will be no signs for the Rapture, no warning that it is about to occur. The signs are for the Second Coming.
When Christ comes secretly to catch His saints up to heaven, the world will be living in self-complacency and pleasure, seemingly on the way to solving its ecological problems and establishing perpetual international peace. Any thought of the Rapture will be widely ridiculed. Even few Christians will expect that long-promised event, although it should be their hope. One could say that such is already the general attitude even in the evangelical Church. How many are eagerly watching and longing for Christ to take them to heaven?
As we shall see in the following pages, many of the signs of the Second Coming are already in the world today. Others are clearly on the horizon, casting their long shadows in our direction. There can be no doubt that the props are being set in place and the curtain is about to rise on the final drama in human history. The principal actors, including the Antichrist, are waiting in the wings, eager to effect their will. In fact, they will play their roles precisely as the prophets have foretold.
The final act, called “the day of the Lord” (1 Thessalonians:5:2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
See All...), must begin with the Rapture, for that time period is ushered in “as a thief in the night.” The Second Coming cannot mark the beginning of “the day of the Lord,” for it comes as no surprise. It is essential to understand that all the signs the Bible gives pertain to the Second Coming.
No signs precede the Rapture. It can only be that coming which will take place without warning, when the world and even most Christians least expect it. Everything on this earth will be changed after that event. The Rapture could occur at any moment. That has always been the case.
The reasons to expect our Lord now, however, are more compelling than ever. How close are we? Today’s sleeping Church, sinking ever deeper into apostasy, is one of the primary marks of the nearness of Christ’s return. The signs of the Second Coming are building, and the Rapture must precede that event by seven years. Surely we are very close.
Signs of the Times
When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straight way ye say. There cometh a shower, and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? (Luke:12:54-56 [54] And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.
[55] And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass.
[56] Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?
See All...).
There can be no doubt that Jesus Christ, who is God, came to this earth as a man through a virgin birth, lived a perfect, sinless life, died for our sins, and rose from the dead the third day. Historically these events are firmly established. We have, however, an even more powerful witness. That Christ came to this earth in the past is not only a matter of history. It is also a matter of fulfilled prophecy. Consider what that means!
Christ’s first coming more than 1900 years ago, as we have already seen, fulfilled dozens of specific prophecies made by the Hebrew prophets and recorded centuries earlier in the Old Testament. So will the Rapture of His church and His Second Coming fulfill even more details of the prophetic blueprint. Furthermore, these events are not independent of one another, but part of an overall plan of God. They all fit together like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. Each event can be understood only in relation to the whole.
Here we confront another aspect of the uniqueness of Christ that sets Him apart from all others. No prophecy foretold the coming of Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, or any other of the leaders of the world’s religions. Muslims suggest that Christ’s statement, “I will send you another Comforter,” foretold the coming of Muhammad. However, that claim doesn’t fit by any stretch of the imagination.
Christ said that the Comforter would “come from the Father” (John:14:26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
See All...; 15:26). Yet Muhammad denied that God was a father or had a son. Christ said of the Comforter, “He dwelleth with you and shall be in you” (John:14:17Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
See All...). So the Comforter, who was already with the disciples more than 500 years before Muhammad was born, obviously could not have been Muhammad.
Christ came once, nearly 2000 years ago. The how and where of His coming and all that He suffered and accomplished was exactly as the prophets foretold. He is coming again, and very soon. That coming, too, in every detail, will be exactly as prophesied. It is those prophecies which we will examine in the following pages.
Prophecy Provides Foolproof Identification
Why were such prophecies given? There are at least two fairly obvious reasons. First of all, prophecy indicates that the God who created us has not lost interest in His creatures nor has He lost control of events. He is in charge of history and will see that it works out according to His plan. That plan involves His people, Israel. It also involves the Messiah and the Church. God wants us to know His plan in advance and has revealed it through His prophets.
Secondly, at His comings there must be no doubt as to the identity of the Messiah. Antichrist, as we shall see, will try to pass himself off as the Christ. The deception will be clever and persuasive. Those who know prophecy will be armed in advance with the facts that unmask Satan’s most brilliant deceit.
All that was needed to identify Christ at His first advent, and all that will be needed to identify Him when He comes again, has already been stated by the prophets. That overwhelming proof of His identity provides absolute assurance of our salvation. Of equal importance, we can share with others the proof prophecy provides. It is the most powerful means of convincing unbelievers and of introducing them to the Savior. There is another important significance of prophecy which is not as readily accepted. God wants us to know the signs of the times that reveal the nearness of Christ’s return. We have seen how neglect and ignorance of prophecy caused both the secular and religious authorities to crucify Christ at His first advent. In view of today’s neglect of prophecy, there is every reason to expect a comparable confusion when Christ comes again. To prevent such tragic misunderstandings—for those who are willing to take a fresh look at the Messianic prophecies—is a major purpose of this book.
As we have seen, Israel’s religious leaders of that day were blind to the fact that the Messiah would be rejected by His own people and crucified. The same was true, until after the resurrection, of even Christ’s closest followers. They were blind also to the fact that when Christ made that solemn promise, “I will come again” it was one more proof that He was the Savior. As we have already seen, a most vital part of the testimony of the Old Testament prophets was that the Messiah must come more than once. Centuries beforehand, the Hebrew prophets had given their stamp of authenticity to the electrifying words which the disciples would find so incomprehensible: “I will come again.”
After These Many Centuries—Why Now?
Christ’s declaration, however, confronts us with a dilemma. After the passage of nearly 2000 years, He has not come as He promised. Succeeding generations of believers have watched and waited and have gone to their graves without seeing their earnest hopes and prayers realized. Why should we be anymore likely than they to see this promise fulfilled in our time? How close are we? Is it presumption even to ask that question? Some Christians think so. However, since so much has been revealed by the prophets, might it not be that the answer even to this question is contained in the very prophecies which the rabbis overlooked and which we neglect today? Surely the possibility of discovering an answer to that burning question makes the careful study of what the prophets had to say more than worthwhile.
Those thrilling but as yet unfulfilled words, “I will come again,” must be taken in the context of all of Scripture. Let us not forget that the One who made that promise had come to fulfill specific, detailed, and numerous Old Testament prophecies. Everything He said and did and all that man did to Him was only the culmination of what the prophets had long before declared.
Yet there can be no doubt that Christ left this earth without fulfilling all messianic prophecies. Thus He must return to complete His mission, and He must do so exactly as the prophets have foretold. The disciples’ perspective of prophecy was too narrow. There was a much larger picture which they did not comprehend. We must beware of missing it as well. If we are to understand when and why and for whom Christ will return, then we must see His promise to do so in the full context of God’s eternal plan.
God had taken great care to inspire His prophets and guard His Word to provide His people with sufficient means of recognizing the time of the Messiah’s first advent. Would He not inspire His prophets to give similar insight into the Rapture and Second Coming as well? We believe that He has, and will substantiate that from Scripture.
Jesus indicted Israel’s religious leaders for failing to recognize the signs of the times in which they lived: “Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?” (Luke:12:56Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?
See All...). Apparently they were responsible to know the signs given in Scripture, to recognize when they were present, and to conduct themselves accordingly. That same accountability is ours today.
“Signs” of His Coming?
As far as most Christians are concerned, when Christ comes He comes, so why not let it go at that? After all, there’s nothing that can be done either to hasten or delay that day. Raising children, holding the family together, earning a living, and preparing for retirement leave little time even to think about an event that will not likely happen in one’s lifetime. Fear of repeating past fanaticisms and follies seems reason enough to avoid focusing any attention upon Christ’s return. Reason enough, that is, until one reads the words of Jesus more carefully.
One cannot escape the fact that Christ and His apostles gave definite signs to watch for that would herald the nearness of His return. Why give these signs if some generation at sometime in the future was not expected to recognize them and know that His Second Coming was, as He Himself said, “near, even at the doors”?
Yes, but if the Rapture occurs seven years prior to the Second Coming, then those signs are not for us. So it would seem. Yet Christ commanded His own to watch for His coming and warned against being caught by surprise at His return and surprise could only apply to the Rapture. Are we faced again with a contradiction, and this time one that cannot be resolved?
We may be certain that the answers are to be found if we desire to know them and diligently search His Word. Jesus also said, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then lookup, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke:21:28And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
See All...). When these things begin ... look up. The commencement of the signs cannot herald the Second Coming, for that event cannot occur until the signs are all complete. Therefore, with this statement, Christ can only be referring to the Rapture.
When Jesus, in response to His disciples’ request for signs of His return, enumerated a long list of events (wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, famines, etc.), He also used that same word, begin. He made this interesting comment: “All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew:24:8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
See All...). The Greek word Jesus used for “sorrow” is most interesting as well. It referred especially to a woman’s birth pangs.
Jesus is apparently revealing that these signs will begin to occur substantially ahead of the Second Coming. They will increase in frequency and intensity like birth pangs. Moreover, it would seem that these signs begin prior to the Rapture. Then how could the Rapture come as a surprise? Because these signs when they begin, will by their very nature be phenomena which have always been known on the world scene: earthquakes, famines, pestilences, wars.
There are some peculiarities, however, which have never before been known but which, for the first time in history, could now occur at any moment. We will discuss them in a later chapter.
Fanaticism and date setting are folly. It would seem to be at least equal folly, however, to ignore Christ’s warnings about being caught by surprise. We are responsible, as every generation before us has been, to know the signs of His coming and to determine whether they are applicable to our day. No matter that others have misinterpreted Scripture and mistakenly set a time for Christ’s return, only to be proved wrong. We are responsible to know the signs and to apply that knowledge biblically.
Though past generations have so consistently misinterpreted the Scriptures, is it possible that we now possess the insight they lacked? Isn’t such a suggestion the very height of conceit? It could be, except for one obvious but overlooked fact, which we will also discuss later. As we shall see, ours is the first generation to whom certain special signs Christ foretold could possibly apply!
Christ’s Total Mission Is the Key
In our attempt to understand the full meaning of Christ’s promise, “I will come again”—and to establish how close we are to that event—we must examine the full range of biblical prophecies. It is not enough merely to look at Christ’s own words and the events and teaching of the apostles which followed His departure from earth. The Old Testament prophets foretold not only His first advent, but His Second Coming as well. It is to the Old Testament, then, that we must first of all turn to begin our investigation. Nor shall we have proceeded far in this careful study until we will be forced to conclude that prophecy is the backbone of God’s Word. Without prophecy the Bible would lose much of its uniqueness and power to convince the searching soul.
God has stated unequivocally: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants, the prophets” (Amos:3:7Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
See All...). If we would know God’s secrets and understand all that He has planned, then we must study what He has spoken through His prophets. For it is through the prophets that God has declared His eternal purpose—and even the details of how He will work it all out for our good and His glory.
Christ’s crucifixion and departure from this earth were not the unfortunate results of an aborted mission but the successful completion of phase one. Thus, His promise to return was the pledge to finish the remainder of a task which the prophets had laid out in no uncertain terms. The mission which brought the Messiah to this earth was much larger than His disciples imagined.
Christ’s purpose in coming back again will be to bring to a grand conclusion His total objective. Consequently, we must understand God’s plan from eternity past to eternity future or we cannot possibly reach a valid conclusion from the Scriptures concerning the timing of His triumphant return in power and glory to the scene of His rejection and crucifixion. Let us turn, then, to the Scriptural account of the origin of evil which necessitated the coming of the Messiah to this earth.
[To Be Continued]
