TBC Today - Our Daily Update | thebereancall.org

TBC Today - Our Daily Update

TBC Today is posted each day and may include brief news items, quotes, commentary, and other pieces of interest. This information is available by email and is also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Title Post datesort ascending
From "Right to Die" to "Duty to Die" March 19, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Followers of Christ March 19, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Daily Death and Resurrection March 17, 2018
Sine of the Times March 15, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Faith Must Be Founded on Truth March 15, 2018
Meditation DOESN'T Make You a Calmer Person March 14, 2018
Where Will I Go When I Die? March 13, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—The Call to Discipleship March 13, 2018
ISIS at War with Hamas Following Trump’s Jerusalem Decision March 12, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Babel’s Rebellion Continues March 11, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Science as Religion March 9, 2018
The Science of the Lawgiver March 8, 2018
Pope Francis and Islamic Terrorism March 7, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Perverting Saving Faith March 7, 2018
Being Filled With the Spirit March 6, 2018
Joseph Farah's Works Based Salvation March 5, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Grace Is “In Spite,” Not “Because” March 5, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Rebellion Takes Many Forms March 3, 2018
Question: How can you justify making the gospel so complicated? March 1, 2018
Pastor: I Miscalculated the Impact of LGBTQ-Affirming Vote March 1, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Mercy vs. Works (Part 2) March 1, 2018
Why Professing Christ is Becoming a "Hate Crime" in the West February 28, 2018
Don't Go Until He Goes Before You February 27, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Mercy vs. Works (Part 1) February 27, 2018
