TBC Today - Our Daily Update | thebereancall.org

TBC Today - Our Daily Update

TBC Today is posted each day and may include brief news items, quotes, commentary, and other pieces of interest. This information is available by email and is also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Title Post datesort ascending
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding—Is “In Jesus’ Name” an “Open Sesame”? February 3, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—True Faith Must Be in God February 1, 2018
Israeli Prime Minister Takes Stand for Persecuted Iranian Christians February 1, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—“Faith” in Positive Thinking January 31, 2018
Luther, Luther, Luther: He Didn't Reform Christianity As Much As This Man Did January 31, 2018
What The Apostles Did Not Teach January 30, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Concerning Prayer January 29, 2018
Anti-Semitism Scandal Hits McMaster University January 29, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Prophetic Proof of the Bible January 27, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—The Conversion of Gentiles Foretold January 25, 2018
Fantastic Australian Amber Supports Young World January 25, 2018
Occult Groups in Nigeria Kidnap Christians January 24, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Antichrist and Christ January 23, 2018
I Expect God Will January 23, 2018
Are More Americans Turning to the Stars Instead of to the One Who Made the Stars? January 22, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Further Proof Supporting Israel’s Legitimacy January 21, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—False Claims by “Palestinians” January 19, 2018
A Convention of Light January 18, 2018
Here's How the Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel January 17, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Most Prophecy Has Already Been Fulfilled January 17, 2018
Syncretism and Missions January 16, 2018
One Israeli Man's Mission to Bring 'Gospel Back to Jewish People' January 15, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—Prophetic Proof January 15, 2018
Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God— Why Faith Is Essential (Part 2) January 13, 2018
