TBC Today - Our Daily Update | thebereancall.org

TBC Today - Our Daily Update

TBC Today is posted each day and may include brief news items, quotes, commentary, and other pieces of interest. This information is available by email and is also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Title Post datesort ascending
Anti-biblical minorities take the "change the world" baton September 17, 2014
Our Part September 16, 2014
Interfaith House of Prayer to Be Built in Berlin September 15, 2014
Discovery of Partially Fossilized Dinosaur Horn Prompts Creationism Debate September 12, 2014
Canadian appointed to chair UNHRC panel investigating Gaza war crimes accused of anti-Israel bias September 11, 2014
What's Inerrancy and Why Should I Care? September 10, 2014
We believe in plenary inspiration September 9, 2014
China and Russia Top Governments Responsible for Damaging, Vandalizing Churches, Mosques, Says New Study September 8, 2014
How old is human DNA? September 5, 2014
Boko Haram September 4, 2014
McLaren's "Palestinian Justice" Speech, part 1 September 3, 2014
Even Benjamin Franklin Admitted This Fact September 2, 2014
Four Trustees Resign from Bryan College over Leadership, Statement of Faith Controversy September 1, 2014
Understanding the Dominion Theology of Christian Reconstructionists and the New Apostolic Reformation August 29, 2014
Islamic State Merchandise for Sale Promotes Terror Group in Mid-East August 28, 2014
How Important Are Fathers? August 27, 2014
Deceived by the world's philosophies August 26, 2014
Camp Teaches Kids How to Defend Evolution Against Creation ‘Bullying’ August 25, 2014
Jihad Rhetoric August 22, 2014
Randomness and life August 21, 2014
Pope rehabilitates Marxist priest August 20, 2014
Can children understand the Gospel? August 19, 2014
Lying for the Lord August 18, 2014
Revival in Iran: "I want to be a Christian" August 15, 2014
