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Discipling Children into the Faith

TBC What's New Feed - Thu, 12/12/2024 - 03:47
Discipling Children into the Faith December 12, 2024TBC Staff

In most cases parents really love and want to protect their children. Many Christian parents homeschool or send their kids to Christian schools in an effort to protect them but is that enough? The short answer is, no. In "Why Preparing Kids to Stand Firm in Faith Matters," John Stonestreet notes : 

“Opting for alternatives to public education like homeschool  or private Christian schooling is a good start. But it can’t stop there. A 2022 study found that of 57,000 undergrads from 159 of the nation’s most elite postsecondary institutions, homeschooled and private schooled kids “are as or more likely to identify as LGBTQ or non-binary as those from public or private school backgrounds.”  

“In other words, it’s not enough to insulate children from bad ideas, especially when insulation is accompanied by silence on issues our kids are hearing about all the time by the wider world. Of course, many parents remain silent because they simply do not know how to think about everything. And yet, as a recent Gospel Coalition article noted, silence on these issues undermines Christian formation.  

“On the one hand, we could unintentionally communicate that God doesn’t care about our sexuality. If we never tell our children that God says a clear ‘no’ to same-sex sexual relationships, we could leave them to conclude that Christians can just follow their hearts.”

Often what is not clearly taught is falsely assumed by our children to their spiritual detriment. 


Mark Cahill - Hey Stranger!

Youtube - Wed, 12/11/2024 - 11:05

Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny

TBC What's New Feed - Wed, 12/11/2024 - 10:00
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny December 11, 2024Dave Hunt

Biology professor Dean Kenyon, author of Biochemical Predestination, a major university textbook for teaching evolution (which he has since repudiated), reminds us:

“We tend too easily to forget that creationist views of origins predominated in scientific circles before the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in 1859. The leading scientists of Europe and the United States were creationist scientists, and they defended their views with scientific evidence and argument. . . . Although students generally hear only one side on the origins question, increasing numbers of scientists are now abandoning evolution for a new scientific version of creationism. [His emphasis]”

Amsterdam and the ‘moral ghettoization of the Jews’

TBC What's New Feed - Wed, 12/11/2024 - 03:41
Amsterdam and the ‘moral ghettoization of the Jews’ December 11, 2024TBC Staff

Gal Binyanmin Tshuva, 29, is a keen football follower from Israel. Not a hooligan, not a thug, just a fan. In Amsterdam on Thursday night he found himself surrounded by a frothing, Israelophobic mob. They asked where he was from. ‘Greece’, he said, in a desperate bid to evade their hate and blows. They demanded to see his passport. He said he didn’t have it on him. They pushed him to the ground, stomped on his face, gashed his head, broke two of his teeth and knocked him unconscious. He came to eventually, in an ambulance, his face streaked with blood.

Adi Reuben, 24, was set upon by 10 Jew-haters. They beat him so badly they broke his nose. ‘Jewish! IDF!’, they yelled as they pummelled the Jew’s face. Aaron, a Jewish football fan from Britain, saw one of his co-religionists from Israel being stomped on and subjected to anti-Semitic abuse. He intervened to help him. The mob cornered him, yelling: ‘Are you Yehudi? Are you Jewish?’ He said he was a Brit. ‘You helped the Jew’, they said and….broke his glasses and left his face coated in cuts.

Barak took refuge in Amsterdam’s Holland Casino, along with hundreds of other Israelis, as outside a mob of 200 gathered and seethed, ‘looking for blood’. A young Israeli man staggered into the casino. ‘All his face was blood’, said Barak. They were the victims of a jodenjacht – a ‘Jew hunt’. That’s the phrase used by the assailants themselves, in Telegram chats ahead of the violence. Bring fireworks, they told each other. We’ll attack this ‘cancer’, these ‘dogs’, they said, referring to the Israelis. And they did. They whizzed through the city on mopeds, using fireworks to ‘pelt’ the ‘dogs’ from the Jewish State.

Things got so bad that Esther Voet, the editor-in-chief of a Dutch Jewish newspaper who lives in Amsterdam’s city centre, offered her home to the Israelis fleeing the jodenjacht. ‘I told them this is a Jewish home and you are safe here’, she said. Try to take this in: in Europe, in 2024, a safe house had to be offered to young, bloodied Jews fleeing the blows and kicks of a marauding mob that damned them as dogs, as a disease. Not for the first time in the history of the Netherlands, good people offered to open their doors to Jews running from a Jew hunt.

This is what the left in Britain and across Europe has been making excuses for. This. In the days since Amsterdam was rocked by a self-confessed Jew hunt, leftish talking heads have furiously sought to explain it, to ‘contextualise’ it, to say the Israeli fans brought it on themselves by being rowdy and racist. As if there could ever be context for the breaking of an innocent Jew’s teeth because he failed to prove he was not Israeli. As if there could ever be context for the smashing of a Jew’s face for the crime of ‘helping a Jew’. As if there could ever be context for ‘hunting’ the ‘dogs’ of the Jewish nation. As if there could ever be context for a pogrom.


How to land safe on that Happy Shore

TBC What's New Feed - Tue, 12/10/2024 - 03:35
How to land safe on that Happy Shore December 10, 2024TBC Staff

I want to know one thing, the way to heaven: how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach the way; for this very end he came from heaven. He has written it down in a book! Oh, give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be: “A man of one book.”

– John Wesley (28 June 1703 – 2 March 1791 English cleric, theologian, evangelist, and a leader of a revival movement known as Methodism).

Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny—Honest Science Produces Faith in God

TBC What's New Feed - Mon, 12/09/2024 - 10:00
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny—Honest Science Produces Faith in God December 9, 2024Dave Hunt

To say that belief in God is not “scientific” and that scientists don’t believe in God is to expose both one’s ignorance and bias. As we have often shown, there have always been many top scientists who had faith in God and credited science itself with arousing that faith. The same is true today. Yet, sadly and incredibly, with the advent of Darwin and evolution, atheists have increasingly taken over the scientific and academic establishment, generally control it today, and are almost exclusively consulted by the media as the official spokespersons for science.

The Kindergarten Intifada

TBC What's New Feed - Mon, 12/09/2024 - 03:42
The Kindergarten Intifada December 9, 2024TBC Staff

In August, the second largest teachers union chapter in the country—there are more than 35,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles—met at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. to discuss, among other things, how to turn their K-12 students against Israel. In front of a PowerPoint that read, “How to be a teacher & an organizer. . . and NOT get fired,” history teacher Ron Gochez elaborated on stealth methods for indoctrinating students.

But how to transport busloads of kids to an anti-Israel rally, during the school day, without arousing suspicion? 

“A lot of us that have been to those [protest] actions have brought our students. Now I don’t take the students in my personal car,” Gochez told the crowd. Then, referring to the Los Angeles Unified School District, he explained: “I have members of our organization who are not LAUSD employees. They take those students and I just happen to be at the same place and the same time with them.”

Gochez was just getting warmed up. “It’s like tomorrow I go to church and some of my students are at the church. ‘Oh, wow! Hey, how you doing?’ We just happen to be at the same place at the same time, and look! We just happen to be at a pro-Palestine action, same place, same time.”

The crowd burst into approving laughter.

Seated at a keffiyeh-draped table, Gochez said, “Some of the things that we can do as teachers is to organize. We just have to be really intelligent on how we do that. We have to know that we’re under the microscope. We have to know that Zionists and others are going to try to catch us in any way that they can to get us into trouble.”

What are the “tools of censorship” employed by Zionists? Apparently, they include accusing teachers who rail against Israel in the classroom of antisemitism.

“They try to say antisemitism, which is really ridiculous, right?” said Guadalupe Carrasco Cardona, ethnic studies teacher at Edward R. Roybal Learning Center in Los Angeles. Cardona recently received a National Education Association Foundation Award for excellence in teaching. “What they do is they conflate. Part of that is by putting the star on their flag,” Cardona said, referring to the Jewish Star of David. “Religion has nothing to do with it.”

But, she insists, that the course she teaches, and whose curriculum she helped develop—ethnic studies—is fundamentally incompatible with supporting Israel. “‘Are you pro-Israel—are you for genocide?’ And if anybody were to say, ‘Okay, sure,’ that’s really not ethnic studies.” (Gochez, Shattuc, and Cardona did not return requests for comment.)

It’s tempting to dismiss this as one more bull session among radical teachers leading a far-left public-sector union. If only. 

Today, extensive interviews with parents, teachers, and non-profit organizations that monitor the radicalism and indoctrination in schools convinced me that demonization of Israel in American primary and secondary schools is no passing fad. Nor is it confined to elite private schools serving hyper-progressive families. As one Catholic parent who exposes radicalism in schools nationwide on the Substack Undercover Mother said to me: “They’ve moved on from BLM to gender unicorn to the new thing: anti-Israel activism. Anti-Israel activism is the new gender ideology in the schools.”

Parents who watched in alarm as gender theory swept through schools will recognize the sudden, almost religious conversion to this newest ideology. And very few educators are standing against it.



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