January 2003 | thebereancall.org

January 2003

It is no secret that God had a prior claim on many of man’s inventions. Man didn’t invent the wheel. The golden wheel spider forms itself into a disk and rolls down sand dunes at 44 revolutions a second to escape its wasp predator. That speed is equivalent to the...Read more
TBC Today
Beginning with the Bible's account of the origin and history of man, what would we expect to find? 1. That all mankind has descended from one woman ( Genesis 3:20 ). Proponents of evolution have a problem. Biologists have noted that mitochondrial DNA evidence shows conclusively that every human being...Read more
TBC Today
(AP) 3/7/2002: The citizens of Sausalito, Calif., have been debating whether to build a new police station since a 1995 flood destroyed their old headquarters. The new building’s design has opponents who have complained about its size, aesthetics and, worst of all, its lousy feng shui (the art of harmonious...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: Take authority over the principalities and powers that dare to threaten this ministry. I have raised it up from infancy for My own purposes, saith the Lord. Just as I commanded Ezekiel to prophesy life to dry bones, and they took on life, so I am commanding you...Read more
TBC Today
The last time Ruth and I breached the Iron Curtain was in 1985, entering Russia from Finland. The guards, who literally took our car apart with screwdrivers and wrenches, found everything (we hadn’t tried to hide anything) except one Bible in my hip pocket. A few days before, an American...Read more
TBC Today
Clearly, the Bible predicts a last-days signs and wonders movement—but it will be of Satan, thus a delusion that will deceive many. After a solemn warning that in the last days “perilous times [not revival!] shall come,” Paul makes this remarkable statement: Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so...Read more
TBC Today
Here are some starter verses for sound doctrine in Fellowship: Hebrews:10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: See All... ,25 - And let us consider one another to provoke one another unto love and good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves...Read more
TBC Today
One cannot logically believe both in evolution and the environmental movement. Evolutionists should neither be concerned for “endangered species” nor for the ecological well-being of this planet. If man,as a result of the evolution of his brain and nervous system, succeeds in destroying the earth in a nuclear holocaust or...Read more
TBC Today
In much of the church today, there is little fear of God, little conviction of sin, and hardly the mention of God’s holiness and His dreadful justice with which one dare not trifle. Unfortunately, salvation is frequently presented without explaining why it is needed. One cannot get saved without realizing...Read more
TBC Today
The Dead Sea Scrolls have had a great impact on biblical studies. They included Old Testament manuscripts approximately 1,000 years older than our previous oldest manuscript. What did the comparison reveal? “...a few spelling variations, some stylistic changes, and a rare word here and there that had either been left...Read more
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