March 2003 |

March 2003

The Hubble Space Telescope, searching for evolving galaxies in December 1995, focused for 10 continuous days on a tiny patch of sky, so small when viewed from Earth that a grain of sand held at arm’s length would cover that area. This picture of that tiny patch of sky is...Read more
TBC Today
Crosswalk reports that Muslims in America were shocked to hear Jesus speak their language in The Passion. "It was like Arabic with an accent" said Dalia Mogahed of the Oakland Mosque. She said she didn't need to read the subtitles because she understood the Aramaic dialogue. Mogahed from the Islamic...Read more
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Worldwide, anthropologists have recorded many flood stories in many cultures. Each of the stories contain amazing similarities. 1. Humanity has corrupted itself through sin. 2. The supreme deity decides to send a great flood to destroy humanity. 3. An individual is chosen to build a craft for the preservation of...Read more
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Jewish Telegraphic Agency May 5, 2004 - Australian art draws protests Jewish groups in Australia protested a publicly funded work of art in Melbourne that criticizes Israel . Featured in a department store window, the work features a Star of David painted on a wall with text that reads: "Since...Read more
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Cult leaders often leave a trail of embarassing documentation. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science sought to deal with the accusation that she had used morphine to control the pain which her religion would have her deny. “The opium falsehood has only this to it: Many years ago...Read more
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After screening Mel Gibson’s THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, T.A. McMahon set about writing a book evaluating the enthusiasm generated for the film among evangelicals. The movie was touted as the greatest opportunity for witnessing since the death of Christ. Could that be true? Or could the church be enthralled...Read more
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“Thou gavest Me no kiss” ( Luke:7:45 Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. See All... ) Can the Lord say this to us, who profess to love Him? “But Lord,” we remonstrate, “behold how we...Read more
TBC Today
“And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior’s blood?/ Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued?/ Amazing love! How can it be, that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?” Experts in church hymnody recognize this hymn...Read more
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THE IDEA (Taken from “Youthspecialties,” a leading evangelical youth ministry): Meditating on the events of Jesus’ final days and his resurrection can be profound. The challenge for most of us is shutting out the noise and distractions of everyday life long enough to quiet our souls and listen to the...Read more
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The Rev. Greg Johnson of Lehi, Utah, and Robert Millet, a professor of religion at Brigham Young University, have shared a close friendship for seven years and are traveling about the United States to teach others how to communicate effectively with people who believe differently from them...."An Evangelical and Latter-day...Read more
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