March 2003 |

March 2003

Letter Policy What is our policy regarding the letters we print? Well, it’s not what you would call a finely honed system cal­culated to achieve a balance of per­spectives, nor is it premeditated to bring about an intended response. We simply select some interesting ones that are fairly representative of...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Dave, Regarding a question in the Dec. ’02 issue as to when angels were created, Job:38:4-7 [4] Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. [5] Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line...Read more
Agape Press, 11/1/02: Excerpts from “Rethinking Veggie Tales” by Cathy Mickels Christian pollster George Barna’s research has concluded doctrinal confusion abounds today within the Christian church….Furthermore, Barna stated, “because we remain a largely Bible-illiterate society, few are alarmed or even aware of the slide toward ‘syncretism’—a belief system that blindly...Read more
news alert
Question: The Lord has used both you and Mr. McMahon to truly impact me and drive me into the Scriptures. I adamantly condemn the way professing believers, regarding your views of Calvinism , have treated you. However, with all due respect, Mr. Hunt, I think you must shoulder some responsibility...Read more
question and answer
Question[condensed]: You said the massacre of Arabs by Jews at Deir Yassin in 1948 “didn’t happen.” Jewish historian Benny Morris...says that it was mainly due to atrocities such as Deir Yassin that the Palestinians fled their homeland in 1948 (not because of some Arab radio broadcasts [as you claim] telling...Read more
question and answer
Question: I can’t thank you enough for What Love Is This? My husband and I began attending a Southern Baptist ...Sunday school class. The teacher is a die-hard Calvinist....I brought up some objections and was informed that I should email him instead of disrupting the class. I’ve experienced sleepless nights...Read more
question and answer
Question: Enclosed is an article that kind of “blind-sided” me by a thought I’m having trouble with, i.e., why aren’t evangelicals today warning Jews about the eventual slaughter of most of them who return to Israel ? Answer: The author, Gary DeMar, insists that Christ’s statements in Matthew 24 were...Read more
question and answer
Question: Is Islam ’s aggression any different from the routine bloodshed of the Old Testament? Israel claimed then to be following God’s orders, as Muslims claim to follow Allah’s. Answer: There is a huge difference. Muslims claim to follow Allah. He is not the God of the Bible (see Q&A...Read more
question and answer
The now collapsing….In a video-saturated culture in which, to play on Auden’s lines, “[A]nguish comes by cable,/ And the deadly sins/ can be bought in tins/ With instructions on the label,” film and television now provide the [basic] values that were once provided by the family...children are lifted away...Read more
