March 2003 |

March 2003

Jewish World Review Jan. 7, 2005 Serpents of desire: Good and evil in the Garden of Eden — Friedrich Nietzsche and the Disc Jockey A few years ago, I flipped on the radio while driving in New York City. A disc jockey on one of the music stations was offering...Read more
TBC Today
Archbishop of Canterbury admits: This makes me doubt the existence of God Telegraph, Jan. 2, 2005 Chris Hastings, Patrick Hennessy and Sean Rayment The Asian tsunami disaster should make all Christians question the existence of God, Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, writes in The Telegraph today. In...Read more
TBC Today
Encouraging Words Taken from William MacDonald's devotional book, “One Day at a Time”: New Year's resolutions are good but fragile, that is, easily broken. New Year's prayers are better; they ascend to the throne of God and set answering wheels in motion. As we come to the beginning of another...Read more
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Contending for the Faith " Prayer is not a preparation for work, it IS work. Prayer is not a preparation for the battle, it IS the battle. Prayer is two-fold: definite asking and definite waiting to receive. " ---Oswald ChambersRead more
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"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News By Rob James in Cardiff | posted 12/13/2004 | Christianity Today The Cardiff City Council cancelled a civic reception for internationally renowned evangelist Luis Palau because of his "extreme evangelical beliefs." The cancellation was prompted by Welsh Assembly Government Member Lorraine Barrett's...Read more
TBC Today
"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News BBC News Last Updated: Tuesday, 7 December, 2004 , 08:47 GMT Church leaders in York say the Christmas display at one of the city's tourist attractions could expose children to "evil forces". Instead of the usual Father Christmas, visitors to Satan's Grotto...Read more
TBC Today
Reformed Protestants No Longer See Images as Idolatrous (UNDATED) As an evangelical preacher, the Rev. Bruce Marcey belongs to a sermon-centered spiritual tradition that took root nearly 500 years ago with the Bible, the pulpit and the elimination of all distractions -- including art. Imagine how shocked his forebears might...Read more
TBC Today
Bogus Beliefs Excerpts from a self-proclaimed prophetic website: “Word Given for 2004 and Beyond” By The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders January 10, 2004 Great inroads will be made by the Body of Christ into media and Hollywood. There will be a wave of the Holy Spirit move across Hollywood...Read more
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(A Hush Over Hollywood, by Pat Sajak, Human Events Online, Posted Nov 30, 2004) “Picture this: “Somewhere in the world, a filmmaker creates a short documentary that chronicles what he perceives as the excesses of anti-abortion activists. An anti-abortion zealot reacts to the film by killing the filmmaker in broad...Read more
TBC Today
Be Not Conformed to this World “Are you sure you want to be filled with a Spirit who, though He is like Jesus in His gentleness and love, will nevertheless demand to be Lord of your life? Are you willing to let your personality be taken over by another, even...Read more
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