March 2003 |

March 2003

(Oliver Burkeman in New York, Friday October 1, 2004, The Guardian) He is the conservative bastion of the US supreme court, a favourite of President Bush, and a hunting partner of the vice-president. He has argued vociferously against abortion rights, and in favour of anti-sodomy laws. But it turns out...Read more
TBC Today
Seeking & Finding God It is undeniable that there is neither truth, meaning, nor purpose without an intelligent Creator who, for His own reasons, made the universe and each of us in His image. Yet the world of academia largely rejects this inescapable fact. Professors and students claim to be...Read more
TBC Today
We are apt to be busy about everything but that which concerns our spiritual progress, and at the end of a profitless day we snatch up a Bible or [a devotional booklet] and read a few verses, and it does us good for precisely three-quarters of a second. We have...Read more
TBC Today
Tony Campolo is currently campaigning against what he calls the “Religious Right” in his new ecumenical book from W Publishing (formerly Word Publishing), “Speaking My Mind: The Radical Evangelical Prophet Tackles the Tough Issues Christians Are Afraid to Face.” Radical? Yes. Prophet? You decide: In promotional interviews, Campolo postulates that...Read more
TBC Today
[Tony] Campolo is founder of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education , an inner-city ministry that combines evangelism and social justice in public schools, universities, orphanages, literacy centers, and tutoring programs. But Michael Marcavage, director of the Philadelphia-based group Repent America, says Valley Forge Christian College is ignoring...Read more
TBC Today
Just a few items of biblical teaching contrasted with the ideas of man being promoted at the same time. Genesis:3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. See All.....Read more
TBC Today
When archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon worked at the site of Jericho in the 1950s, she stated that she had not found collapsed walls or anything which proved habitation of Jericho during the time of Joshua. In short, there was no battle for him to fight. There was, however, an earlier, fortress...Read more
TBC Today
Not too long ago, the National Catholic Reporter ran a contest asking artists from around the world to submit slides of their works that best portrayed "Jesus for the third millennium." More than 1,000 entries from 19 countries were received. The winner, titled "Jesus of the People," featured a dark-skinned,...Read more
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Outta Our Archives The gospel contains nothing about baptism, good works, church membership or attendance, tithing, sacraments or rituals, diet or clothing. If we add anything to the gospel, we have perverted it and thus come under Paul’s anathema in Galatians:1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach...Read more
TBC Today
"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News Sept, 27 2004 Reuters JERUSALEM - Fistfights broke out on Monday at Jerusalem 's Church of the Holy Sepulchre between Christian sects that jealously guard their hold on sections of the shrine built on the traditional site of Jesus's crucifixion. "There was...Read more
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