March 2003 |

March 2003

Whadaya Expect From A Miraculous Book? Early critics in the 1800s denied the existence of Abraham’s hometown, Ur of the Chaldees (Gn 11:31). This continued until Sir Leonard Wooley’s systematic excavations from 1922-34 uncovered the immense ziggurat or temple tower at Ur near the nouth of the Euphrates in Mesopotamia...Read more
TBC Today
The Passion of the Christian Many tender-minded Christians fear to sin against love by daring to inquire into anything that comes wearing the cloak of Christianity and breathing the name of Jesus. They dare not examine the credentials of the latest prophet to hit their town lest they be guilty...Read more
TBC Today 7-28-2004 BERLIN - Europe will have an Islamic majority by the end of this century based on current demographic and migration trends, a leading US Middle East specialist says. "Europe will be part of the Arab west - the Maghreb," said Bernard Lewis, a Princeton University professor and author...Read more
TBC Today
Agape Press, July 29, 2004: Dr. John Kilner, president of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity (CBHD), is criticizing Ron Reagan, Jr.'s stance on embryonic stem-cell research (ESCR) and so-called therapeutic cloning as both misinformed and misleading. Kilner says history is littered with similarly misguided attempts "to relieve suffering...Read more
TBC Today
Whadaya Expect From A Miraculous Book? Some thoughts on the inerrancy of Scripture: “If the biblical and theological basis of the doctrine is so obvious, however, why have some in our day suggested that the inerrancy of the Bible is a relatively recent concept? It is true, as some have...Read more
TBC Today
Cafeteria Religion We have been highlighting recent efforts by religious teachers to blend together Christianity and Buddhism, despite their absolute differences: “[S]ome Christians disapprove of mixing and matching Buddhist practices with Christian doctrine. Russell Moore, the dean of the school of theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky.,...Read more
TBC Today
Reuters Tue Jul 27, 2004 EL PALMAR DE TROYA, Spain - Pope John Paul II has a challenger. Papal pretender "Gregorio XVII" is leader of a self-styled church in Spain who says God crowned him after Pope Paul VI's 1978 death, that Satan controls the Vatican and that the devil...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: [On June 14, 1970, at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco, police were removing A. A. Allen's body from a room littered with pills and empty liquor bottles. At the same time, listeners in the U.S., the U.K., and the Philippines were hearing a previously recorded message...Read more
TBC Today
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 7-19-2004 MANHATTAN - They came by the thousands, from the city and from all over the country, just looking for a hug. But Mata Amritanandamayi - known to her devotees as Amma - is no ordinary hugger. The 50-year-old woman from India, who wears a white...Read more
TBC Today
PHILIPPIANS 1:9-11 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; 10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; 11 Being filled with the fruits of...Read more
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