March 2003 |

March 2003

"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News Zenit ( 9-9-2004 ) CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy - John Paul II encouraged pastors to form the faithful in such a way that popular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary will lead to an encounter with God. The Pope gave this instruction on...Read more
TBC Today
"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News MONTREAL, September 10, 2004 ( - Pregnant mothers from Quebec whose unborn children are beyond 24 weeks gestation, are being sent to Wichita, Kansas for late-term abortions, at the private clinic of controversial abortionist George Tiller. Each procedure costs Canadian taxpayers at...Read more
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"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News Bronx Times Reporter 9-2-2004 BRONX, NY - Day and night, scores of people continue to flock to the linden tree on Neill Avenue right off Narragansett Avenue, claiming to see the image of the Virgin Mary, who is considered by Christians [Catholics]...Read more
TBC Today
Israel and Islam (Palestinian Media Watch, September 7, 2004, Societies measure their heroes in different ways. Some societies honor athletes or performers. Others celebrate caregivers and humanitarian workers. The Palestinians, on the other hand, have consistently chosen to honor murderers as their national icons. During the recent PA prisoners'...Read more
TBC Today
Lord, Teach Us to Pray “Ye shall ask what ye will….” This solves the mystery of what we should pray for. If we are abiding in Jesus, we shall ask what He wants us to ask whether we are conscious of doing so or not. “Ye shall ask what ye...Read more
TBC Today
Showtime? Consider this scenario. Suppose I went on a short-term mission trip in January of 2004 and returned to the United States a month or so later. When my wife picks me up at the airport, she replies to my "What's new?" query with the following information: "Right after you...Read more
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Man Says, God Says Man Says: “Neither Intelligent Design nor theistic evolutionism, alas, is the most influential position among the evangelical rank and file, where Young Earth creationism still holds sway....Many Christians are raised to believe that they are faced with a stark choice: Either they accept the most literal...Read more
TBC Today
The Passion of the Christian What folly for scholars to run hither and thither in an effort to consult the best minds upon the subject of the gospel. All of this might have been known to be mere delusion and lost labor, had these men but remembered or regarded even...Read more
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"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News 8-29-2004 (Stuff New Zealand) NEW ZEALAND - The New Zealand Maharishi Foundation, which seeks to spread peace and harmony through transcendental meditation, wants Kiwi businessfolk to contribute $15 million for a "peace palace" in central Auckland. The Auckland Peace Palace would...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: "Messianic Muslims, who continue to read the Koran, visit the mosque and say their daily prayers but accept Christ as their Savior, are the products of the strategy which is being tried in several countries." A YWAM staff writer wrote: "They continue a life of following the Islamic...Read more
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